Miraculous package to take to work for satiety and weight loss

It happens that we gain weight in a short time because we eat unhealthy and disorderly during the day. Many times we only eat once a day and even then we don’t choose something healthy and with calories beneficial for the body. I prefer food from any street corner, respectively fast food, pastries, sweets, chips and all kinds of grunts. We fool ourselves even when we consume a lot Sodas which anyway do not contain nutrients like fresh fruit smoothies and beautifully colored and aromatic. Unfortunately, the lack of time prevents us from cooking and carefully choosing the foods to combine them properly. We are at work from morning to night, and when we wait too long to eat, we happen to be so hungry that we eat more than we need. Eating while doing another activity it is again a big problem. We cannot tell when we are full and risk eating from morning to night continuously. Fortunately, there are certain tricks that we can use to have the desired figure even if we work from morning to night. We reveal everything to you in the following lines!

If you’re hungry and you’re at work, the solution is not to go for fast food just because it’s ready on the spot and hot. We know that it is very tasty and seems to be an alternative, but the caloric intake is much too high. Such food does not make you fat if it is consumed rarely and in small quantities, but if it becomes a habit of eating fast food, you can already expect many extra kilos in a short time. It is enough to gain 4-5 kilos and you will lose their weight. It will be much more difficult to lose weight if you don’t take measures in time.

Food alternatives and snacks at work

If you want, there are solutions. Here are some:

1.Buy 1-2 fruits from a store or supermarket near your workplace instead of eating snacks, chips, biscuits with all kinds of creams and other sweets.

2.Always have classic mint candies with you. Maybe you didn’t know, but mint instantly cuts excessive appetite and the effects last for a while 30-40 minutes. It would be enough time until you have the opportunity to eat a healthy meal with few calories.

3.You can order food at work and it doesn’t have to be fast food. We can now order all kinds of substantial salads with chicken breast and other healthy combinations. see here 6 healthy sandwich ideas for adults and children.

4.Buy a large bottle of natural juice from the store, but carefully check the label. Natural liquids give you energy at work, fill your stomach and you won’t eat a lot. You can also prepare it at home water infused with fruit or vegetable rounds for detox.

5.Buy crackers with seeds and kefir or low-fat yogurt from the area.

Package prepared from home for the workplace

It is not necessary to cook at home for whole hours in order to have a consistent package the next day of work. You only need 15 minute to prepare packages that can consist of the following food combinations:

1.Two hard-boiled eggs with cherry tomatoes, grilled bread slices, cucumber rounds and cubes of cheese or tofu or halloumi cheese.

2.Greek menu with 2-3 slices of feta cheese, lettuce leaves, pitted olives, red onion, cherry tomatoes, 1 can of cooked chickpeas and cucumber rounds. You can sprinkle a light sauce over the whole combination. see here healthy homemade sauces!

3.Menu based on tuna in water and not in oil on a bed of lettuce leaves, cucumber rounds, cherry tomatoes, grated carrot, pitted olives or canned red beans and everything sprinkled with lemon juice.

4.Menu from a cup of broccoli cruzi, a cup of chicken breast cut into cubes and cooked on the grill, cubes of sweet potatoes, cooked on the grill. Any type of lean meat will do.

5.Mushroom caps smeared with tomato sauce, sprinkled with mozzarella and red onion and cooked on the grill. You can eat as much as you want at one meal.

6.Casserole with diced or sliced ​​fruit, digestive crackers with seeds that you can eat as much as you want, and slices of cucumber, bell pepper, carrot and almonds.

You are on dietetik.ro, the place where you find out how to live healthy and which diets suit you!

Source: www.dietetik.ro