Moldova voted yes to the EU

Moldovan president Maia Sandu.

Published 21 October 2024 at 18.06

Foreign. With 50.46 percent of the votes, Moldovans say yes to the EU, after 99.7 percent of the votes have been counted. The country’s pro-Western president Maia Sandu thus avoids a shock setback in the very even referendum.

– Moldova has won the first difficult battle in the quest to join the European Union, says Maia Sandu at a press conference, according to The Guardian.

The president also accuses foreign powers, including Russia, of trying to influence the election by buying votes, which she sees as an attack on Moldova’s sovereignty.

There have been reports that as many as 300,000 votes in the referendum may have been bought from abroad.

– They have attacked our country with tens of millions of euros, lies and propaganda to keep our nation trapped in uncertainty, says Maia Sandu.

The referendum was about whether Moldova’s aspiration to become an EU member is written into the country’s constitution, which will now be the case.
