Monkeypox worries scientists, a new Mpox pandemic is feared: “It must be stopped immediately”

Il smallpox of monkeyswhose virus caused theMpoxmakes them worry scientists. According to theOms in fact it is useful intervene against his as soon as possible diffusionin time to ensure that it does not become as lethal as or worse than Covid.

Monkeypox, the risk of spreading

Mpox he proved he can change e infect more and more people. For experts it is already one global threat although for now it is only a regional health crisis in Africa.

If we don’t intervene immediately on the African continent, where it is proliferating, however, there is the concrete thing risk that it spreads to everyone else too.

Photo source: IPA

Many more doses are needed in Africa to contain monkeypox

Mpox from Africa to the world: what scientists think

The cry of alarm comes fromworld health organization in the new Global Preparedness Monitoring Council report. For a world that has shown itself increasingly “vulnerable to pandemics”, they write, are needed concrete actions.

The way identified to curb monkeypox is to stop his diffusion already now that it still appears almost confined on the African continent. The epidemiologist Pier Luigi Lopalco said: “Fighting Mpox in Africa today serves to avoid the spread of a new virus worldwide.”

It is necessary to move the powerful: so far, according to theAfrica Centers for Disease Control, they were only promised 280,000 doses of Mpox vaccine to deal with the epidemic, in the face of 10 million doses that would be necessary.

“The most dangerous virus”

According to the WHO new pandemic they would be more and more probable due to “a series of risks”. The organization spoke about this at the World Health Summit in Berlin, as reported Republic. They would in fact exist 15 factors which will bring us ever closer to pandemics, which is why governments must take measures urgent e timely to stop them, starting from monkeypox.

Il Burnet Institute published an article on PLOS Global Public Health calling on leaders to act now to stop MPOX. “There negligence led to a most dangerous virus which is now spreading across borders, harming and killing people,” writes director and CEO Professor Brendan Crabb.

“It’s a failure both moral and public health not to do everything possible to contain the spread of Mpox. If we have learned anything from the lessons of Covid, it is that equitable, community-led responses are key to stopping the epidemic and prevent them. Access to vaccines was inadequate in endemic countries, we need to change this,” he added.

The variations

The danger posed by monkeypox It’s certainly not new. THE’Mpox Clade 2b it had already spread two years ago in rich countries, after having been ignored for years in African ones. Then the WHO declared a first emergency of public health of international interest. Two years later a second one was declared, in August 2024. Despite vaccines and rapid tests, however, according to scientists, it has been still too little.

“The vaccines continue to remain out of reach of citizens because they are stored from rich countries, surveillance and diagnosis are limited and the treatments are not available”, warn the scientists.

Meanwhile, the Mpox epidemic continues to wreak havoc l’Africa: it was caused by more strains of Mpox, which have spread to several communities and affected families and children. The most widespread variant is that of Clade 1. It developed above all in Democratic Republic of the Congobut cases have also been highlighted in 18 other countries in Africacome in Sweden e Thailand. However, the strain is also developing Clade 2 which also arrived in Australia.


Photo source: IPA
