More captivations in 2025? You are comparing apples with pears, says minister – State Budget

Given the increase in captivations foreseen in the State Budget proposal (OE) for 2025, the Minister of Finance argues that the value is not comparable to this year’ssince there is “greater management capacity for sectoral ministers“.

The two values ​​are not comparable. You’re comparing apples to pears“, stated Joaquim Miranda Sarmento this Monday, October 28, in the debate that marks the discussion on the general proposal for OE 2025.

The governor responded to PS deputy Marina Gonçalveswhich recalled Joaquim Miranda Sarmento’s previous positions, when he was parliamentary leader of the PSD, and who criticized the captivations of socialist governments. “He criticized so much, called tricks… changed his opinion?”, he asked.

The minister assumes that, in fact, the captivations defined in the OE 2025 increase in relation to the previous year (around three billion euros), but this is due to the fact that the expenditure on which the captivated percentages apply (which remains the same) increases.

After,”OE 24 exempted a set of sectoral entities that we now no longer exempt and began to allow each sectoral minister, as early as January 1st or throughout the year, greater management capacity for ministers“.

“But you know, the My biggest criticism of the previous Government’s captivations was at the end of each year, it wasn’t at the time of the budget, it was at the end of each year. We actually saw very significant values ​​to be deactivated”, recalled Miranda Sarmento, remembering that it was in 2020 that more values ​​remained to be released.

Review of the Budgetary Framework Law

In his initial intervention, the Minister of Finance also said that the Government will review the budget framework law (LEO) to include the new obligations arising from the new European rules.

“We are going to present a review of the budgetary framework law”, announced Joaquim Miranda Sarmento.

The objective is to adapt the LEO to the new European fiscal rules, introduce a spending review mechanism, reinforce the commitment to gender equality, the commitment to green budgeting, among others.
