According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, At least 100 million people are infected with dengue every year around the world. How dire could the effects of climate change be?, The world has already started to understand it. World Health Organization (WHO) According to the information, In 2000, dengue killed about 20,000 people. And this year, it is feared that 40,000 people in the world may die due to this mosquito-borne disease.
On July 22, Daily Azadi published a report entitled ‘3 and a half dengue cases this month’. It said, The number of dengue patients is increasing in Chittagong. Intermittent rain favors the breeding of dengue-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. In the last one week, the city has not received heavy rainfall but it has been raining intermittently. Experts fear that this will increase the breeding of mosquitoes. In the meantime, the number of dengue patients in Chittagong has exceeded 350 in this month of July. Many patients are currently Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Faujdarhat BITID, Under treatment in upazila health complex and various private private hospitals.
Experts say, Urbanization is also helping the spread of mosquitoes. In some places the disease was not present but now it is spreading rapidly. This trend is now seen in Bangladesh and India. California in recent years, Southern Europe, The number of dengue cases has increased in Africa. According to public health experts, In addition to strengthening mosquito control activities to prevent dengue, people’s awareness and involvement should be increased. But there is a deficiency in the activities of the city corporation in raising public awareness. In this case there is no alternative to make people aware. Entomologists refer to integrated mosquito management to control mosquitoes. That’s why first, The surrounding environment should be kept clean. Because mosquitoes grow more in unsanitary environment. Secondly, Biological methods should be used to control mosquitoes. There are more mosquitoes in every ward of the city, Which type of mosquito infestation is more and how much should be sprayed for this mosquito, It should be diagnosed and medicine should be applied to that place. So that mosquitoes cannot breed in these places. Besides, fish in the reservoir to stop the overbreeding of mosquitoes, Ducks should be released. Thirdly, Mosquitoes should be controlled by spraying chemicals. Finally awareness should be raised among the general public. Together these four are called ‘integrated mosquito management’ according to entomologists.
Public health experts say, Due to the weather conditions, the production of mosquitoes this year will be more than last year. If mosquitoes increase, the number of dengue patients will also increase. They say, Mortality is high in proportion of dengue patients admitted. Necessary measures should be taken to reduce deaths. Mosquito control will take time, But dengue testing at government rates should be facilitated at primary health care centers to reduce deaths. The number of critical patients will decrease if primary health care can be ensured at the local level for affected patients.
World Health Organization (WHO) According to the information, About half of the world’s population is at risk of dengue. As it is densely populated, the risk is high for those living in Dhaka city. It has been warned by the Department of Health, In addition to the capital, the coordinated management is necessary to prevent dengue in other areas of the country, In that case, be attentive. Remember as long as the world lasts, Until then there will be dengue. But it can be kept under control by applying scientific and technical methods and proper management. Dengue can be permanently controlled by research and review. Otherwise the problem will increase day by day. At some point the situation will go out of control.
Expert doctors say, If effective measures are not taken to kill mosquitoes, the situation will turn from dire to dire. If the current situation continues, the situation will deteriorate to such an extent that, It cannot be dealt with in the future.