Motorist charged with numerous violations after lengthy car chase

A 25-year-old Romanian man violated the traffic law many times when he sat behind the wheel of a Landrover in East Jutland on New Year’s Eve.

This is the opinion of the East Jutland Police, who arrested the man on Tuesday afternoon after a long car chase.

The police chased the man at 17:19 at Randers, when a patrol became aware that the car was driving on stolen number plates.

But the 25-year-old man did not want to stop, says chief of duty Rene Ludvig from East Jutland Police.

– Then a postponement starts, which covers most of Djursland, says the warden.

Only at Søften northwest of Aarhus did they manage to stop the driver. It happened when a patrol deliberately hit the car.

– We rarely do that, says Rene Ludvig.

No one was injured in the collision, which took place at 5:48 p.m.

During the roughly half-hour long car chase, the Romanian man drove too fast and several times against the direction of travel, says the warden.

He is charged, among other things, with “violent” speeding and intentional endangerment.

According to the police, this is driving that can be characterized as crazy driving. The car has therefore been impounded.

The 25-year-old man has been checked for alcohol and drugs. But neither has been proven.

– This (the driving, ed.) is completely coldly calculated, says Rene Ludvig.

There was also a passenger in the car who has been released.

The 25-year-old man, on the other hand, will be brought before a judge with a demand for custody. It will take place on New Year’s Day at 12 noon in the Court in Randers.

It is not known before the constitutional hearing how he relates to the charges.

