Porto City Hall announced this Tuesday that the new value of the Municipal Tourist Tax, which increases from two to three euros, per person, will begin to be applied from Sunday, December 1st.
“To support the expense associated with the current demand from tourists, the city’s accommodation will, from December 1st, apply the new value of the Municipal Tourist Tax. From the previous two euros, each night spent in Porto will become cost three euros per person”, says the municipality.
In a statement, it clarifies that “the Municipal Tourist Tax is due in return for activities and investments carried out, directly and indirectly, with tourist activity in the city, through the municipality’s response to the pressure resulting in urban space, namely in public infrastructure and equipment, in the need to reinforce urban cleaning, the safety of people and goods, the public transport network and mobility conditions”.
In this way, maintains the city hall, “it seeks to contribute to the sustainability of Porto as a tourist destination, while at the same time promoting an improvement in the quality of life of the resident population”.
The fee is paid by each person over 13 years old, per night, up to a maximum of seven consecutive nights.
It does not apply, however, to stays motivated by medical conditions, situations of eviction or displacement, to people with disabilities, to pilgrims in hostels, temporary installation by public social organizations or displaced people due to conflict in their countries of origin.
All questions related to the application of the new value can be asked by economic agents in the sector through the Municipal Tourist Tax platform.
The change to this rate was approved by a majority, on the 19th, in the Municipal Assembly of Porto, with the favorable vote of the independent movement “Aqui Há Porto”, PSD, PS, BE, PAN, Chega, and with the abstention of the CDU and two deputies from the independent movement.
In 2023, the expenditure associated with tourism was around 15.5 million euros, which, divided by the 5.5 million nights spent in the city, represents a cost of 2.81 euros per night.
Source: rr.sapo.pt