Murazzi bike launched on Mauro Glorioso, Sara Cherici at Le Iene reveals “the first thing I did”

Sara Cherici she was sentenced to 16 years for complicity in attempted murder. She was there too that evening, when Mauro Glorioso was hit by an electric bike thrown down by Murazzi Of Torino from his friends. Because of that gesture, the 23-year-old student remained quadriplegic. Interviewed by The Hyenas Sara relived that night, but especially that moment when she searched for news of the incident on Google the next morning. From that moment everything changed.

What Sara Cherici did after the episode

A The Hyenas Sara told all the steps of the story. After an evening spent in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, the group composed of Victor Ulinicitwo minor boys, a minor girl and Sara herself moved towards the long Po along the parapet overlooking the Murazzi, the area close to the river which has always been the beating heart of the city’s nightlife.

She and her friend were walking several meters from the three boys, when the latter picked up a bike sharing bike and threw it down towards the premises. “I remained still,” says Sara.

Then the group fled while Sara, trailing everyone, insulted them: “I said: ‘You a**holes, why the fuck did you do that?'”. Returning home, the girl was unable to sleep, overwhelmed by the flow of thoughts and the fear of the consequences. The next morning “the first thing I did was search on the internet: ‘Murazzi Bike'”. First articles found”The world collapsed around me“.

Sara immediately sent screen shots of an article from Corriere della Sera to her boyfriend at the time, one of the perpetrators of the crime, sharing the fear of being discovered. She did the same thing with the friend who was with her that evening. A shared concern, therefore, which immediately translated into a growing state of anxiety and panic.

The story after the Murazzi events

In the days following the incident, Sara Cherici remained silent, confined to her bedroom. After a failed attempt to push the three boys to hand themselves over to the authorities, he revealed the truth to his sister: “The Murazzi bike… it was Victor“. Then the confession to the mother, who learned the news of her daughter’s presence at the crime scene she felt bad.

However, the 20-year-old begged her family not to report “to protect Victor and protect me”, but above all “so as not to be infamous“.

Until February 8, the day Sara Cherici was arrested. After two months in prison she returned home, where she is serving time home. A detail, this, which cost her a second condemnation: that of the friends who consider her privileged. After the sentence that sentenced her to 16 years, Sara is fainted.

The response of Mauro Glorioso’s father

In an interview given to Corriere della Sera Sara Cherici apologized to the Glorioso family, but her apologies were rejected by Mauro’s father, Joseph Gloriosowho found the girl’s words insincere.

The victim’s father speaks of “absence of true repentance” as Sara “did not say that she would have done everything to prevent the act or called for help immediately. He said, ‘I don’t know.'”


Photo source: Mediaset
