Musk announced the relocation of SpaceX and Network X headquarters from California to Texas

San Francisco (USA) – American billionaire Elon Musk he announced, that he will move the headquarters of the space company SpaceX and also the social network X from the American state of California to Texas. According to world agencies, he cited a new California law as one of the reasons, which prohibits school authorities from requiring teachers to inform parents of their child’s gender identity or sexual orientation without the student’s knowledge.

“It’s the last straw,” Musk wrote on his network, saying he plans to move SpaceX’s headquarters from Hawthorne, California to the Starbase complex in Texas, and X Corp’s headquarters from San Francisco to Austin. “About a year ago, I made it clear to Governor (California Gavin) Newsom that laws of this nature would force families and businesses out of California to protect their children,” Musk wrote.

Newsom signed the new law Monday, which the AP says aims to protect students whose safety could be at risk if they live in households that don’t favor sexual minorities. The law, which takes effect in January, contains exceptions. The move was welcomed by organizations that defend the rights of LGBT+ people, but some conservative associations criticize it and claim that it violates the rights of parents.

Musk already announced in February that he was moving the legal headquarters of the company Neuralink and also the legal headquarters of SpaceX from the state of Delaware to Texas. He also informed that he wants to move the legal headquarters of electric car manufacturer Tesla from Delaware to Texas. He did so after the Delaware court’s verdict, which annulled the 2018 agreement, according to which Musk was to receive a record 55.8 billion dollars (roughly CZK 1.3 trillion) in bonuses as a director of Tesla if the set goals were met.

Tesla moved its headquarters from California to Texas already in 2021. Musk also announced the transfer of his residence from California to Texas, where there is no state income tax for individuals, AP noted.

USA internet space management Musk SpaceX company
