Must be vigilant till suffrage and people’s government are established: Bakul

Rafiqul Islam Bakul, student affairs secretary of BNP, said that the sacrifice of the lives of thousands of martyrs will be fully successful only when the people get their voting rights back and the people’s government is established. He said that the movement in which the fallen dictator fled the country is an expression of people’s protest against the misrule of a decade and a half. This achievement cannot be allowed to go to waste.

He said these things at the Chhatra Dal general meeting at BNP’s Nayapaltan office on Wednesday.

Chhatra Dal general secretary Nashir Uddin Nashir presided over it and organization president Rakibul Islam Rakib presided over it.

Bakul said, the architect of the continuous movement against the fascist Hasina is Deshanayak Tarek Rahman. Students, workers and masses all participated in the July uprising. No one’s role can be minimized. Steps are being taken to destroy the country’s democracy and equality through counter-revolution. Sheikh Hasina is fueling it with the cooperation of neighboring states. And the friends of the fallen dictator are trying to implement it. So students should be careful about this.

Chhatra Dal president Rakibul Islam Rakib said that the same way Chhatra League established the reign of terror in all the educational institutions of the country, they are still trying to create disunity among the student organizations and create distrust among us. The pacifist students are trying to destabilize the campus by inserting agents of the Chhatra League. Chhatra Dal will not allow that to happen.

Nashir Uddin Nashir said, Chhatra Dal is an organization of ordinary students. Terror has no place here. Our strength is the pen not the weapon. Our leader Tariq Rahman wants to see Chhatra Dal as an ideal organization. But the fallen dictator himself handed over arms to the Chhatra League. Now they are carrying out terrorist activities with these weapons.

Senior Vice President of Chhatra Dal Abu Afsan Mohammad Yahia, Senior Joint General Secretary Shyamal Malum, Organizing Secretary Amanullah Aman along with Vice President, Joint General Secretary, Deputy General, Joint Organizer, Editors were present in the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, a minute’s silence was observed to pay respect to all the martyrs who died in the anti-discrimination student movement.

(Dhaka Times/23 September/JB/MR)
