Caroline Darian, daughter of Gisèle and Dominique Pelicot, offered an interview a few days ago to the English channel BBC about the rapes to which his father subjected his mother for years. Dominique Pelicot was sentenced this December to 20 years in prison for sedating his wife, raping her, and offering her to 51 other men to rape her as well. All of them were found guilty. “My father should die in prison,” his daughter says now.
Darian, who is 46 years old, remembers perfectly the afternoon in 2020 when his mother Gisèle called to tell him that she had discovered the rape and abuse that her father was carrying out on her. “At that moment, I lost the normal life I used to have. I remember screaming, crying, even insulting him. It was like an earthquake, like a tsunami,” he says in the interview.
The article tells how Darian and his brothers, Florian and David, traveled to the south of France, where their parents lived, to support their mother as she digested the news that her husband was “one of the worst sexual predators in the world.” last 20 or 30 years.” “When I look back, I don’t really remember the father I thought I was. “I look directly at the criminal, the sexual criminal that he was,” he says now.
Darian claims in this interview that she is convinced that Dominique also sexually abused her. Shortly after the French police took over the investigation of her mother’s case, some agents showed the couple’s daughter some photographs from her own childhood in which she appeared unconscious. The girl in the images shared all the features of the adult woman that Darian is now, including the brown birthmark on her cheek, according to the article. Still, it was not recognized.
“I experienced a dissociation effect. It was very difficult for me to recognize myself from the beginning. Until the policeman told me: ‘Look, you have the same brown mark on your cheek… it’s you.’ Then I started to see those two images differently… I was lying on my left side, like my mother in all her photos,” she explains. “I know he drugged me, probably to abuse me, but I don’t have any proof,” he insists in the interview.
Darian wrote a book shortly after his father’s crimes came to light. The play is called ‘I’ll Never Call Him Dad Again’. He explains that he did it as part of his commitment to the victims, but also as part of a strategy to distance himself from his father, whom he describes on several occasions as a “monster.” “It is a terrible burden to know that I am the daughter of both the victim and the aggressor. But I have his DNA and the main reason why I commit myself so much to the invisible victims is also because for me it is a way to distance myself from that guy,” explains the daughter of the convicted man, before concluding: “I am different from Dominique.”