My love story with jewelery has not changed over the decades and I feel lucky to still be inspired to create jewelery

In the 80s, the Portuguese designer Bruno da Rocha he began his journey in jewelry creation with his studies at the School of Arts in Porto. Further, he chose not to go to college, remained in the manual labor area and, because he had allowed himself to be seduced by the jewel, remained faithful to it. Even with decades of experience in jewelry creation, the story has not changed.

Today, he is recognized as one of the great names in Portuguese jewelry design. Each of his pieces has a unique identity situated at the meeting of the arts. Over several decades, Bruno da Rocha has created his own brand, his own style, and his creations are appreciated all over the world.

“An exhibition for me is the end of a process, it is the moment when I say: ‘this is my work, this is my passion’, exhibited as I like and communicated as I want, surrounded by other artists. I am flattered that ROJW gives me – accepted the application,” says Bruno.

Bruno da Rocha participates for the first time in Romanian Jewelry Week, which takes place between October 2-6 at the National Library of Romania. We talk to him about his creative process, inspiration and how women’s relationship with jewelry has changed.

Your relationship with jewelry

My relationship with jewelry started after I went to the School of Arts in Porto to study jewelry. When I finished my compulsory studies, I decided not to go to University; I wanted something that was handcraft oriented. It could be sculpture, painting, ceramics, but I found in jewelry the perfect dimension and wearable art. He seduced me completely.

where did you study

I attended an Art School in Porto and, to gain more knowledge in classic jewelry, I participated for 3 years in an intensive learning process at a Professional School.

The first piece created

My first piece was a large dragonfly inspired by the Art Nouveau movement.

What were you like in the 80’s when you started

I was a dreamer, with infinite possibilities before me. I began to focus my passion for drawing on jewelry design.

The relationship of women in your country with jewelry

Portuguese women have a strong relationship with jewellery; they use them to express their individuality and status. As women became more independent over the decades, they began to express themselves more freely using jewelry.

How your love affair with jewelry has evolved over decades of creation

My relationship with jewelry has not changed over the decades and I feel lucky that I still have the inspiration to create jewelry. Over the years, I began to feel more confident in my creations and began to experiment with more elaborate shapes and materials.

What inspires you now?

Although I draw inspiration from both architectural and natural forms, I now focus more on organic forms.

Personal imprint in jewelry creation

The personal touch is probably the jewelry inspired by insects. I create brooches, earrings, rings, necklaces and now home jewelry. I work with silver and gold, pearls, amber, porcelain, precious stones.

The creative process

I start with the inspiration, a shape, then I draw different versions and create “families” (rings, earrings, etc.). The hardest part is finding inspiration and organizing the business. The most beautiful part of the creative process is when I finish the whole collection and see how a simple idea becomes a gem.

Work routine

I like to work in my workshop, listening to music, surrounded by my materials, books and tools. My day starts early with organizing the accounting, then dividing the tasks among my team. I sit at my bench and work on my pieces.

The super power of your jewelry

My work is a journey between two atmospheres, classic and contemporary, the search for the perfect finishing process for each piece is fundamental. I don’t think my jewelry has a “super power”, but it does have my unique stamp. I have found my way of working silver with other materials.

Prezența ta la Romanian Jewelry Week

It’s my first time attending and I’m impressed with the effort ROJW is putting into hosting this international event. I was very flattered that the ROJW committee accepted my application. An exhibition for me is the end of a process, it is the moment when I say: “This is my work, this is my passion”, exhibited as I like and communicated as I want, surrounded by other artists.

The collection you will present in Romania

A reinvented and lush nature that, combined with craftsmanship, resulted in emerging artistic representations, architectural and geometric forms, insects, plants, flowers and many other organic elements transported into an urban environment.

Some tips for budding jewelry makers

Be true to your vision, believe in your work, this is very important. And if you plan to start your own business, learn how to manage it.
