Mysterious inscriptions found deep in the waters of the Nile. They remember the times of the pharaohs

The discovery was made by Egyptian and French archaeologists in a part of Aswan that was flooded when the famous fortress was built in the 1960s. Aswan High Dam. Special work is being carried out around the islands of Philae and Konosso.

“We went underwater for the first time to study the rock formations between the Aswan Reservoir and the Aswan High Dam. Because the site remains in good condition, the mission was able to fully document it,” Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in a statement.

Underwater archaeological research included determining the specific location of ancient works. Photogrammetric analyses and archaeological drawings were also performed, and special film materials were developed. Photogrammetry is to be used to construct detailed 3D models of inscriptions.

Unfortunately, we currently know very little about the new findings. Scientists should provide more information about them in the coming months. However, it is already known that new inscriptions are dedicated to the pharaohsincluding Thutmose IV and Amenhotep III. They also included descriptions of Pharaoh Psamtik II and Apries.

Totmes IV was a king of the 18th dynasty. Experts are not sure in what period he ruled ancient Egypt, they suggest that it could have been in the years 1397-1388 BC or 1401-1391 BC. According to the records, he tried to pursue a policy of peace, and also ordered the renovation The Great Sphinx of Giza.

On the other hand Amenhotep III ruled (most likely) in the period 1388-1351 BC. During his time, ancient Egypt experienced one of its greatest flourishings. The pharaoh’s reign was a period of peace and prosperity, and great construction projects were also carried out. Active diplomatic activity made Egypt the center of the East at that time.

Psammetik II was a pharaoh in the period 595-589 BC. In the history of ancient Egypt, he distinguished himself by the systematic destruction and obliteration of traces of the earlier Kushite rule in this state. Particular attempts were made in Karnak and Taharqa. In addition, he conquered northern Nubia.

Whereas Apries was the son of Psamtik II and ruled Egypt in the years 589-570 BC. In his actions, he tried to regain the influence of his state in the area of ​​​​today’s Syria. At the same time, he tried to limit the development of cities that could become a base of ​​invasion of Egypt in the future. Additionally, he wanted to break the Babylonian hegemony in the region. During his reign, there was civil war in the country.
