NASA has a serious problem. He offers a fabulous prize for solving it

NASA is launching a big contest with a fabulous prize

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), or if you prefer the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the USA, has a problem. And so big that he is turning to the public with his solution. The teams that succeed in this great competition can look forward to, in addition to global prestige and recognition, a truly fabulous reward.

NASA doesn’t know where to go with space junk

NASA is currently focused on its future and on long-term lunar missions, which, however, bring with them a lot of problems. One of them is waste. This is not only a pressing problem here on Earth, but it is obviously a much-discussed aspect in space as well.

Therefore, the vision and skills of scientists began to focus on how to produce as little waste as possible in space, and also on what to do with the garbage that astronauts will eventually produce. And this is precisely why the new LunaRecycle Challenge was created, within which NASA is turning to the public.

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NASA wants to solve the issue of waste recycling in space | photo: Unsplash

Reduce waste and become famous

This challenge is actually a two-phase competition focused on recycling, or rather on the design of a recycling solution that would solve the burning problem of space waste. Reducing the ratio of solid waste on long-term lunar missions will significantly improve their sustainability.

For the first phase of this competition, NASA has outlined a scenario with a hypothetical space journey lasting 365 days, complete with specific requirements that participants must solve. Applications for this first phase will close on March 31, 2025, and the results will be announced by the space agency in May 2025.

A fabulous win from NASA

In the second phase, the teams will have to build prototypes according to the winning design from the first phase, while teams that did not participate in the first phase can also apply for the final part. More information about this phase will be available after the end of the first part of the competition. In this competition, NASA will give out a total of 3 million dollars (70 million crowns) to the winners – 1 million is reserved for the first phase and 2 million for the second phase. If you want to enter this competition, you can do so at this link.
