Negative feelings originate from unfulfilled desires

We could freely conclude that it is necessary to stop wanting, but that changes the very code of man because he lives as a being who always lacks something, he is a being of longing.

Nikola Žuvela, Psychopathic and astrologer

Often, wishes remain unfulfilled because a person is in a narcissistic state of existence, believes that he is special and that with a magic wand the other side will reveal the wish I want.

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In fact, in the deepest sense, the desire is often the need for someone to take care of us, and it is unattainable. When we overcome this emotional obstacle, then it is possible to approach negative feelings and desires and little by little begin to accept them and bring them to consciousness.

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Then things change and there is real transformation and the possibility of love.

Through therapy, at the beginning things seem to be one, and then it is seen that the problem is somewhere else, i.e. In human perception. Dealing with desires is actually dealing with perceptions.

When you look at the birth chart, then we see strong desires. This is why the planets are called Indian astrology’s catchers that draw the mind into desires and perceptions.

Therefore, the explanations of many books that talk about overcoming desires are general, while through dyotish we see the real obsession of the mind with a planet, more precisely with a planetary period.

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For example, Lucia’s issue of children was completely unimportant, entering the period of the Moon that rules motherhood and feelings, she begins to advise about the biological clock, that it is time to give birth.

But the fact is that her well-placed Moon in the children’s house turns her mind towards this desire and constant reflection on this subject.

When we read a self-help book about desires, it is a general view, but when you examine dyotian desires, then you have evidence that changes the perception of life and the way you think about yourself. That’s why few people study djotish, because it realistically shows what we do and how we are slaves to these periods.

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Understanding these deep-rooted synapses or paths that have been trodden and changing them through knowledge is the task of every human being.

Desires are not just a mere human need, but a deep-rooted way of life consisting of instinctive needs that life slowly transforms and directs a person towards a developed being.

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Man is complex because he is a combination of the body and the instincts and needs of the soul. His body is attracted by passion and down-to-earthness, and his soul by love.

The alchemical vessel actually connects these elements or planets, and during life we ​​try to abstract the primitive in ourselves and single out the best and connect it to the spiritual principle.

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For example, we direct the desire for passion and turn it into love, but through long-term disappointments. From them we derive what is good in passion and what is wrong.

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So, we as humans are alchemists who change this primitive structure of existence and through our lives we become beings who change thought through understanding and then the sense of reality is much wider and capable of understanding the negative events that create our desires.
