Nena Menti “becomes” a seamstress in the scene of Ilisia Volanakis

The great actress Nena Menti will star in the monologue “A Life” written and directed by Petros Zoulias.

Petros Zoulias and Nena Menti meet again on the stage of Ilisia Volanakis, where for the first time the sensational monologue “Euftychia Papagiannopoulou” was presented, a play that was loved by the public and made history in the Greek theater.

In the new play “A LIFE“, with the writing and directing signature of Petros Zoulias, Nena Mendi performs a unique role, traveling us from yesterday to today, with a story – a tribute to the simple personal stories of each of us, but also to the great emotions of life.

The premiere is scheduled for November 29.

A few words about the project

An elderly seamstress is confronted with pieces of her life as she gathers clothes from her atelier to move. Her personal story meets pieces from the history of modern and modern Greece. A permanent companion on the journey of her memories, the songs that marked events and moments of her journey.

A hymn to the everyday man who remembers how he lived and worries how he will continue to live in a world that is rapidly and wildly changing.


Text – Direction: Petros Zulias

Scenery: Anna Julia

Costumes: Nikos Charlautis

Music: Panagiotis Tsevas

Lighting: Melina Masha

Assistant Director: Anna Maria Katsoulaki

Production: Cultural Events
