Netizens saw another case of falsification of votes: why were the ballots distributed to the students?

Can be calculated?

In the video, the netizen said that vote rigging is possible on a large scale. He noted that he emphasized the word “potentially” so as not to be “included in any cases.”

The man said he received a message from an unnamed person about important information. The latter learned about it from his child.

“At school, the students were told during the break that we are going to learn to vote so that you will pay in the future <...> Everything takes place at Vytautas the Great Gymnasium in Klaipėda <...> Voting was necessary, because only in this way the lesson of citizenship would be passed <...> It’s true that all the children should have written their names,” the netizen quoted the person who wrote to him.

Further on in the recording, the man also plays his own voice message, in which a request can be heard to specify which parties and names the children were recommended to vote for.

“The first graders of the high school voted, but it seems that others did as well. <...> Grammar school first-graders, whose age is approximately fifteen years and older, voted,” the netizen continued reading the man’s messages.

He also published a photo of this bulletin distributed to the students, which was sent by the mentioned person. The photo shows imitation ballots that look like real ballots. Above, it is indicated that these are documents belonging to the electoral district of Danes.

Screenshot from a video on Facebook

“It doesn’t remind me of an educational bulletin at all,” the man complained.

“We have a very large number of votes that are minors, but since they already have documents – their names are written down, they can be counted,” he taught.

According to the man, the person who wrote to him indicated that the children were asked to vote for the Social Democrats and the Conservatives.

This post has been shared more than 2,000 times. people, some of them claiming that this allegedly proves the election results were rigged. The netizen also received a lot of support in the comments of the post.

Some netizens were outraged that the teachers should be prosecuted. One of them said that the same training took place in the Maišiagala gymnasium.

Another Facebook user came up with a way to prevent such alleged vote-rigging: “Send followers to that neighborhood. It is possible (possible) that these ballots will be placed in early voting envelopes.”

Another man noticed that such an educational vote did not take place only in Klaipėda, and the teachers were probably bribed.

The ballots were different from the real thing

CEC spokesperson Indrė Ramanavičienė assured that this information is incorrect.

Pauliaus Peleckios/BNS photo/Gitana Matiekuvienė, Jolanta Petkevičienė, Maksimas Reznikovas

Pauliaus Peleckios/BNS photo/Gitana Matiekuvienė, Jolanta Petkevičienė, Maksimas Reznikovas

“In response to the information published on social networks that the ballots used in the election simulation held in Lithuanian schools this week will be counted among the votes of some political parties in the Seimas elections, the CEC categorically states that this is a lie,” she said.

In an election simulation organized by more than 100 schools in the country, high school students learned voting procedures during citizenship education lessons. The purpose of this simulation is that young people who do not yet have the right to vote, when they reach adulthood and acquire the right to vote, already have basic knowledge about how elections are conducted.

I. Ramanavičienė explained that these educational bulletins were not the same as the real ones. Special educational bulletins were printed on a smaller format and on different paper.

“Real Seimas election ballots are documents of strict accountability, with special secure press marks, which ballots used to educate students do not have.

Vidmantas Balkūnos / 15min photo/Elections in Eišiškės

Vidmantas Balkūnos / 15min photo/Elections in Eišiškės

Ballots used to simulate elections have a special logo in the right corner MokRinkimaiso it is really easy to distinguish it from the real Seimas election ballot,” explained the representative of the Central Election Commission.

Notified in advance

About this election simulation CEC announced in advance. It was organized by the Council of Lithuanian Youth Organizations (LiJOT).

As indicated in the report, during the training, some of the students were voters, and some were members of the election commission. During the election simulation, the ballots issued to children show real lists of candidates in multi-mandate and single-mandate constituencies.

More than 100 schools from all over Lithuania participated in this project. A total of 21,223 high school students expressed their desire to participate in these trainings.

“It is expected that this election simulation will give schoolchildren an opportunity to take an interest in the political system of the Republic of Lithuania, deepen their knowledge about the competences of different institutions, present to young people in an interesting and comprehensible way the ideas and programs of politicians and candidates participating in the political system, as well as the beginning of voting in the Seimas elections, and help them prepare to vote in real elections when they come of age,” the statement said.

15min verdict: missing context. The news about possibly falsified elections using children’s educational ballots is false. Ballots used to simulate elections have a special logo in the right corner MokRinkimaiso it is easy to distinguish it from the real Seimas election ballot and it could not be used during the real elections.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metait aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
