Netizens’ version: does snow in the Alps in September really indicate that the climate is not changing?

Is the cold period coming back?

A discussion about snow and climate change was started by one Facebook user. She is on September 12. shared a photo of heavily snow-covered trees with the words in French: “Snow is back in France.”

Next to the woman added: “It SNOWED in the French Alps. Although officially until September 21 – it’s still SUMMER.

Global “warming” has gone on vacation, all that remains is the unclear “climate change”…”

Screenshot from Facebook/It snows in the Alps even in summer and this does not indicate that the climate is not changing, scientists talk about the opposite process – because of this, the snow is actually decreasing

Some commentators pointed out that it also snowed in the Dolomite Alps in Italy, and it rained ice in Germany. Others joined the author of the post and began to raise doubts about climate change.

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“All you have to do is shoot somewhere high up and it will snow,” explained one, possibly referring to the so-called chemtrails.

Another claimed: “According to the cycles of solar activity, the earth is going back into the cold period, I don’t know what the globalists and the creative society will do in a couple of years when the cooling begins.

What effect could a 0.004 percent increase in CO2 have on Earth’s climate? in half a century?”

Came from the Arctic

The news posted by a Facebook user about snow in the Alps is true. A photo of Winter she shared earlier in the day appeared on the account of news television “BMF TV” on this social network. It helps to find out reverse image search.

It was definitely on the TV website earlier in the day published message about the first snowfall in the Alps, in the department of Savoy near Italy. But there was not enough snow to allow skiing.

The article says that it is getting colder and the mountain tops are covered with snow. The reason for this is the marine polar air flow, which, after jumping over Greenland and Iceland, landed in France.

“This air mass is filled with moisture, so the changes brought rain to the plains and snow to the mountains,” weather journalist Marc Hay explained the precipitation.

On the same day, the Weather Channel reported that it started to snow in the Alps. “Snow is falling at 2,000m this morning and will continue to fall to 1,400m, – written on his account on the social network “X”. “Some alpine passes will have to be closed after opening late last spring (due to too much snow).”

By the way, there was a warning that snow should be expected in the Alps on the morning of September 12 in weather forecasts.

For the first time there was no snow

In countries on the plains and not in the northernmost or southernmost latitudes, snow when it’s summer outside is surprising. But in such high mountains as the Alps, there are not only snow caps, but also snowfall common even in summer.

For example, in some Austrian valleys this year in mid-June it snowed and at an altitude of 1,200 m. In the northern part of the Alps, it snows throughout the year an average of 273 cm of snow.

However, the European Union’s climate science service Copernicus last March warnedthat the snow layer in the Western Alps has become record thin.

The image that in 2023 March 5 recorded by one of the Sentinel-3 satellites, revealed a lack of snow cover in parts of the Italian and Swiss Alps. This is explained by less snow.

It was soon reported that in the summer of 2022, for the first time since this information began to be recorded, in the Alps no snow left. Scientists have been saying that for a long time climate change is having a big impact snow cover in the Alps. The decrease in snow cover observed in low- and medium-altitude ski resorts is mainly due to warmer winters.

Screenshot from Facebook/Snow cover in the Alps in 2023 image captured by the Sentinel-5 satellite of the EU climate science service

Screenshot from Facebook/Snow cover in the Alps in 2023 image captured by the Sentinel-5 satellite of the EU climate science service “Copernicus” in March

In State of the Global Climate Reportwhich last year on April 21 published by the United Nations Meteorological Agency, indicated that 2022 was marked by extremes, from a record 40 degrees heat in the United Kingdom to a drought in China and floods in Pakistan.

But the World Meteorological Organization notedthat some of the most dramatic changes have occurred in the Alps, with Switzerland losing 6 percent of its annual volume since 2021. of the ice volume of its glaciers. In July, temperatures above 5,000 meters were recorded at 0 degrees, the highest temperature above sea level in the 69 years of record keeping.

National weather agencies recorded no snow in the Alpine region until the end of the summer melt season last year.

“Usually in summer, part of the snow remains on the glaciers and on the highest peaks. The glaciers lost ice mass, but the ice was still there. No snow in the European Alps survived the summer melt season, even on the highest peaks, a first on record.

High temperature records were broken on the summit of Mont Blanc, where former (UK) Health Secretary Matt Hancock had to cancel a planned charity climb last summer (2022 – due to melting glaciers. He described the experience this way: “It physically shows the direct impact of climate change on us,” the British website quoted him as saying

It has been observed that with the reduction of snow in the Alps over four decades, the vegetation above the so-called tree line strengthened by approximately 80 percent. Strong melting of glaciers can also be seen in the Americas and the Arctic.

The amount of snow and ice in these regions is linked to extreme weather and events elsewhere, such as those that hit Europe last year forest fires and heat wavesdrought in Africa. Even landslides and volcanic eruptions depend on them.

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The reality is different

Such conclusions about climate change, that one or another phenomenon disproves it, are conspiracy theories. On the Internet, such posts pile up after frequent cooling, not only in summer, but also in winter.

Also read: It gets cold in the middle of winter, does that mean the climate doesn’t change? What scientists say about it

Also read: The snowfall has cast doubt on climate change, but the snowfall proves no hoax

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Also read: Does palm-sized hail in midsummer really mean the climate isn’t changing?

Another popular conspiracy theory is that certain natural phenomena are created specifically to harm crops or the planet as a whole.

Also read: Are spring heat, cold and other weather antics really artificial?

Scientists claim that extreme events are increasing precisely as the climate warms. In addition, the climate is often confused with the weather. In other words, according to one snowfall, as in this case, the entire climate is evaluated.

Weather describes the conditions – temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, etc. – at a specific time in a specific place. They can change in a minute, an hour, a day. Climate is the average weather over a longer period of time – several decades – and over a much larger area.

“Global warming is a long-term trend, but that doesn’t mean that each year will be warmer than the last,” announces British Royal Society. “Daily and annually changing weather patterns will continue to produce unusually cold days and nights, winters and summers, even as the climate warms.”

15min verdict: missing context. It is not unusual for the Alps to snow even in the summer – this year it snowed in these mountains in June as well. But this does not negate the rise in global temperature, on the contrary, just as climate change causes a thinner layer of snow to cover the peaks, it lasts for a shorter time.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metait aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
