New law for pizzerias – comes into effect as early as October 10

Every so often, the European Commission faces new directives and prohibitions that all companies operating within the EU must comply with.

For example, the EU has recently forced Apple to make major changes to iPhones, including allowing users to delete pre-installed apps, choose a default browser other than Safari, and download apps from app stores other than the App Store.

News24 has previously reported on how these changes may affect you as an iPhone user and when they will take effect.

READ MORE: New changes in your phone – the expert: How you are affected

Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Soon you will be able to see the salary of your colleagues

Another EU directive that was adopted in May 2023 is called the Wage Transparency Directive. It must be implemented in all EU countries by June 7, 2026 at the latest.

The directive means that companies will have to provide more information about their employees’ salaries in order to counter wage discrimination, which Nyheter24 previously wrote about.

READ MORE: New law can affect your salary – then it comes into effect

Now the EU has come out with another demand. This time it is about consumer products – including pizza boxes, which will see a change.

Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT

It’s banned on pizza boxes: “Unacceptable risk”

The EU has decided to ban the use of a variant of the chemical PFAS in food packaging, such as pizza boxes, make-up and textiles.

More specifically, it is the chemical PFHxA that may no longer be used in the products. The reason is that it cannot be broken down in nature and also poses a health risk.

These subgroups of (PFAS) are highly persistent and mobile in water, and their use in some products poses an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment“, the EU writes in one statement.

So it will soon be safer than before to eat pizza directly from the box.

DON’T MISS: Therefore, you should never eat the pizza directly from the pizza box

Photo: Karolina Hultman Wessman/SvD/TT

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Then the ban starts to apply

The ban will take effect on October 10, 2024, but it may take some time before PFHxA has completely disappeared from all products, even pizza boxes.

The EU explains that the introduction of the rule will be phased out during a transition period of between 18 months and five years, depending on the product.

This is to give companies and industries time to replace the chemical with safer alternatives.

Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

DON’T MISS: New rules for telephone calls are due to come into force – so you will be affected
