New production line opened for THOMY products with twice the capacity

Photo: Nestlé Srbija

The company Nestlé Serbia solemnly marked the start of the new production line for THOMY products at its factory in Surčin. The fully automated line for filling dojpak bags, packing boxes and palletizing, with two and a half times more capacity compared to the current one, was ceremonially opened by the captain of the Serbian basketball team and THOMY ambassador Bogdan Bogdanović.

Renata Matusinović, executive director of the food category for the Nestlé Southeast European region, thanked the world-famous basketball player for the cooperation that this company is proud of and emphasized the importance of this investment.

“Thanks to the new line that produces 100 bags per minute, instead of the previous 40, THOMY products from Surčin will be present in an even greater number of European markets. We are talking about an investment with which we continue to modernize the domestic food industry and strengthen exports. The new line will work with foil intended for recycling and for Nestlé it is much more than just an investment in production – it is also a reflection of our commitment to the local community and the preservation of resources for future generations. THOMY products are a symbol of that commitment, because they come from local ingredients and the dedicated work of our partners. We continue to bite for new victories, as the slogan of our last campaign says, in which Bogdan was a great captain. We saw in him a leader, an unquestionable and strong love for the country, but also generosity, care, reliability and responsibility, which are all the values ​​behind which our brand stands”, Renata Matusinović pointed out.

Our basketball ace made a big surprise for numerous guests when he appeared unannounced among media representatives and employees. Although everyone present at first thought that Bogdanović would participate only via video link, he delighted everyone present when he appeared live, which you can see on THIS LINK.

“Sorry to interrupt the program, but I wanted to personally meet the amazing team behind this taste of happiness. “Success is built through cooperation and quality, whether it’s a sports career or food production,” said Bogdanović, whose image and signature can be found on THOMY mayonnaise bags.

While the captain of Serbian basketball players best shows his love for his country on the sports field, Nestlé’s concern for people and nature is reflected in numerous initiatives that promote sustainable practices. Through its program of regenerative agriculture, which has been implemented in Serbia since 2021, the company works closely with local suppliers to help the land – a key resource in food production – remain healthy and fertile for future generations. Regenerative practices are carried out with the support of Nestlé on around 6,400 hectares of Serbian arable land, and one million euros will be invested in this program by the end of 2024. In addition to helping to preserve soil fertility and biodiversity, practices such as shallow plowing, afforestation, using organic fertilizers and planting cover crops also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Photo: Nestlé Srbija

Nestlé also reduces its overall impact on the environment by applying advanced, innovative technologies in production. Not a single piece of waste from the two factories in Surčin ends up in municipal landfills, which means that the company has been fulfilling the ambitious goal of Zero Waste to Landfill for more than four years. In the construction of the plant-based meal factory, 1,150 square meters of insulating panels made from recycled Nestlé product packaging were used, which is proof that the circular economy can be an integral part of modern food production. In addition, electricity from renewable sources is used in both factories, with state-of-the-art systems for monitoring energy consumption.

THOMY mayonnaise became part of the Nestlé range more than 50 years ago. Today, it is a globally recognizable culinary brand thanks to the careful selection of raw materials, perfect taste and a wide range of products. It began to be produced in Serbia in 2013, and from 2020 innovative tubes are also produced in Surčin, which are exported all over the world.

Source: Nestlé Serbia
