New strategy to prevent attacks against critical infrastructure in Denmark

A national strategy for “critical unit resilience” must be created.

This is what Minister for Community Security and Preparedness Torsten Schack Pedersen (V) writes in a comment to Ritzau.

He is responding to a survey carried out by the energy sector’s trade association, Green Power Denmark.

It shows that seven out of ten of the trade association’s members have increased spending on security within the past year.

The minister finds it “really positive” that the energy companies are increasingly investing in cyber security and protection of their infrastructure.

– Denmark – like the rest of Europe – is looking into a serious and complex threat picture in the coming years. This applies both in relation to the public and private sector.

– It is a shared responsibility to build resilience (resilience, ed.) and robustness in our society, writes the minister.

It is primarily increased IT security that the members of Green Power Denmark have invested in in the past year.

This is happening on the back of 22 energy companies being hit by a hacker attack in the spring of 2023.

45 percent of the members have also invested in better security of physical facilities. This could be, for example, increased security around transformer stations as well as wind turbine and solar cell parks in the open country.

Torsten Schack Pedersen writes that Denmark is faced with having to implement two EU directives, “which must contribute to a more resilient Denmark – both in terms of cyber security and physical security”.

As part of the implementation, a national strategy for the resilience of critical units must be prepared, among other things.

Risk assessments must also be prepared, which must form the basis for the designation of critical units in the individual sectors, according to the minister’s reply.

– It will be an important task for the authorities involved, writes the minister.

It is not clear when a future national strategy will be ready.

