New surveys have arrived from America: can Kamala Harris breathe?

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The Washington Post among those more willing to vote found itthat

  • in Arizona 46%-49%-re Donald Trump is at the forefront
  • as in North Carolina is (47%-50%).
  • in Georgia however Kamala Harris leads to 51%-47%,
  • and Michiganben the democrats are also slightly better (49%-47%).
  • In Nevada the score is tied (48%-48%),
  • in Pennsylvania on the other hand, the American vice president leads (49%-47%),
  • as well as Wisconsinban is (49%-47%).

Based on this, the “blue wall” in the Rust Belt can get Harris to the White House, which, together with Georgia, has 286 electoral votes.

If all registered voters are taken into account, Trump takes the lead in Michigan (46%-47%), but in Nevada the balance is tilted in favor of Harris (47%-44%).

By the way, the average of the various surveys suggests that Harris has a higher chance of winning North Carolina than Georgia this year, but the Post’s research contradicts this assumption. But it confirms that Arizona can be the biggest challenge for the Democrats, and that

Kamala Harris can rely primarily on the whiter and less diverse Midwestern states in terms of population composition.

An exception to this is Georgia, which belongs to the historical South, and one third of its population is African-American.

We wrote more about the latest developments in the US presidential election campaign here.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll also figured out that Kamala Harris leads within the margin of error, 48%-45%, against former US President Donald Trump among certain voters. All this despite the fact that according to about 70% of the respondents, their living costs are going in the wrong direction, while 60% think the same is true for the economy. 65% believe that the immigration policy is not on the right track either.

According to voters, the economy and immigration, as well as threats to democracy, are the country’s most pressing problems. Regarding which candidate is more reliable in the given areas, Trump led on the economy (38%-46%) and immigration (35%-48%), while Harris took the lead on dealing with political extremism and the threat to democracy ( 42%-35%), as in the case of abortion and healthcare.

The Washington Post-Schar School poll of 5,016 likely voters in key states has a margin of error of +/- 1.7 percentage points nationally, and between +/- 3.9 and 5 points in individual states. In the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, 3,307 confident voters nationwide were surveyed online, with a margin of error of +/- 2 percentage points.

Cover Photo: Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, arrives at a Univision event on October 10, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Cover image source: Getty Images
