New taxes and accounting. Entrepreneur: consumers who fill the state purse

While in other parts of the world the middle class and wealthier taxpayers are more serious, in our tiny republic the weakest continue to pay, the owner of an accounting office pointed out in the content marketing program of Äripää radio.

  • How the new taxes affect accounting is discussed in the latest content marketing show. Photo: Panthermedia/Scanpix

“The people who fill the wallet of the Estonian state are consumers and employees, for whom taxes are paid,” said Enno Lepvalts, the owner and manager of Estonia’s oldest accounting firm Vesiir, in the content marketing program of Äripää radio, referring to social tax and personal income tax. In the show, Lepvalts analyzes the impact of new taxes on accounting.

There is also talk of VAT on foodstuffs, which, according to Lepvalits, is criminal in Estonia. “When in other countries of the European Union, much less is charged in the catering sector, in cafes and restaurants, I don’t understand why the Estonian consumer has to pay in full.”

We also talk about the effect of taxes on courage. According to Lepvalts, the attitude of “shut up and pay” does the country’s courage a disservice. When our own people are happy and proud of the country, they also want to protect it. But if we are slaveholders – who will stand up for our country, Lepvalts raises the question in the program.

There is also talk of graduated income tax. The show is hosted by Hando Sinisalu.

How will the new taxes affect accounting?

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