New Year’s sexual and love detox

A new year means a completely new beginning – and a chance to get rid of all those bad habits that plagued you the previous year.

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Here are some possible ways to give your sex and love life a fresh, sparkling start to the year.

Image by senivpetro on Freepik


Stop blaming yourself. Women tend to blame themselves for every failed relationship. It’s not always about you. Some men just have problems! Self-seeking is an admirable trait, but it’s not all your fault.

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Play the numbers game. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to find someone you like. So don’t write off a place just because a quick scan of the room at someone’s party doesn’t find anyone you like. How do you know you won’t like their friends or family?

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Stop making excuses for his bad behavior. If he doesn’t call you, is never on time, disappears, only wants to see you when he’s drunk or selfish or violent, don’t date him! He won’t change and you won’t change him.

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Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s because he’s “afraid of commitment” or “hurt by his past.” There is usually no excuse for his bad behavior: if he likes you, he will treat you accordingly.

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Don’t speed. The urge to race too fast to the goal of moving in or getting married can be the death of a perfectly good relationship. If you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone, what’s the rush?

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Practice horny weekends. Study after study shows that both men and women feel more desire for sex when they are away from home, chores and children. Take advantage of all the cheap offers in the tourist offer and book a weekend (or longer) every few months. If you can’t stretch (financially) to that, aim for one night in a nice hotel nearby.

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Give up on starting over. That frantic, bunny-hugging, hectic style of sex you had when you first met was extremely pleasurable – but it’s not the only sex there is. Second, you are no longer the same people you were when you met.

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Prolonged sex is different. You’ll have lusty nights, but you’ll also have romantic sex, lazy holiday sex, and naughty sex because you trust each other to share those dirty fantasies. You’ll also have sex where one of you wants it and the other doesn’t, boring sex and disaster sex (actually a good sign because it usually means you’re trying something new).

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What you won’t have is the sex you had at the beginning for the rest of your life. Accept it and let it go.

Beware of substitutes for sex. For men, this usually means pornography. For women, ironically, it is children. Kids (obviously) don’t provide us with sexual stimulation, but they do a damn good job in the affection and love department, so they reduce the motivation for sex. Be honest with each other about what’s going on, schedule a weekly “sex date” and take turns coming up with new things to try.

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If sex is stressful, take a break. Sometimes sex just isn’t a priority and having it causes more problems than increasing intimacy. Having your first child, dealing with a trauma like the death of a parent – ​​sometimes you need a break from sex to get through a stressful time. Take it off the table completely for a set amount of time (a month or two – no more) and you can relax and recover without worrying that it will never happen again.

Don’t stop talking. Don’t just talk about everyday things, have real conversations about your frustrations, dreams and feelings. We are closest to the people who know the most about us. It’s great to share the experience with friends, but if you’re talking about the intricacies of your life to someone other than your partner, you’re creating intimacy with the wrong person.

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Do something nice every day. Everyday kindness is more important than making a big fuss on occasions like birthdays or anniversaries. One study that included more than 300 married couples over 28 years showed that people were not made happy by big, grand displays of love, but by small, frequent gestures of love – like bringing a cup of tea to bed.

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Love who your partner loves. You may not choose their family and friends as yours, but you have chosen your partner. It means respecting and being kind to the people who matter to them, even if you don’t like them. Research shows that for men in particular, getting along well with family and close friends is key to long-term relationship satisfaction.

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Keep the scales balanced. The happiest relationships are those in which both parties believe they are getting a good deal (as much as they give). If one in a relationship feels that he is being deprived, that he is getting less than what he is providing, dissatisfaction and anger grow. If this is you, think about what your partner could do to even things out and let them know about it.

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Think for two. Every time you make a decision, think about how it will affect your partner as well as you. Research shows that couples who automatically consider their partner’s needs and wants, as well as their own, have much happier relationships.
