Newborns dead in Parma, why Chiara’s was not a mistake and it is difficult to identify the motive

The reconstruction of the facts that emerges from the press release issued by the Parma Public Prosecutor’s Office to also explain the decision to apply the precautionary measure for Chiara, mother of the children buried in the garden of his villaif possible, is even more dramatic than the hypotheses that have been possible to advance up to now.

Given the presumption of innocence, on the basis of which, as stated in the press release, the accused will have “every opportunity to present her version of the facts to the GIP to contrast the reconstruction carried out by the public prosecution”, the aforementioned reconstruction contains a series of elements which they are difficult to reconcile with the actions of a person who is incapable or unaware of the ongoing pregnancy.

In fact, based on the elements acquired and also on the statements made by the young woman at a later time, when faced with the investigative evidence, it seems it is impossible to argue that the girl was unaware of the pregnancy or that she had, even unconsciously denied it to herself. More likely, CP would have lucidly and rationally decided to continue the pregnancy, foreseeing however the non-survival of the child, during pregnancy, during birth or afterwards.

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From the forensic analysis of the contents of the girl’s phone it would in fact be possible to highlight that she had the will to hide her condition from everyone and to suppress that life.

In this sense, the key factors seem to be precisely the research CP had done on the internet first to know how to “not make your belly grow during pregnancy” and what outfits to use to hide your belly or to know “how to deflate your belly during pregnancy” and then, always to avoid that others around her realized her condition, such as “having sex during pregnancy, men notice it”.

Research that she would have also conducted to know how to “induce an abortion” or to know the “probability of abortion week by week” or to perform an “abortion at home” or discover the “herbs that cause abortion”, but also to know where to buy misoprostol, a drug that acts on the uterus causing the expulsion of the fetus and therefore the abortion. These researches that would seem to bring out a full awareness in reference to the state of pregnancy and the will to kill the fetus or the child. It is as if this girl had monitored her gestation, week after week, with the sole intent of eliminating the fruit, her child.

From this perspective, a rational choice appears to be that of not having any gynecological examination or any other check-up that could have revealed her condition, in addition to inducing labor before leaving for the holiday abroad with her family.

From the investigative evidence disclosed, it emerges that CP’s waters broke on August 1st and that in the following days she did research to find out “how to induce labor after her waters broke”, but also to understand what would happen physiologically afterwards, such as “waters breaking at 38 weeks”.

The hypothesis of the Prosecutor’s Office is that, most likely, the girl she would have taken care to give birth before the vacation abroad, so as to be able to do it secretly and therefore hide the child’s body. According to the investigators’ reconstruction, the birth would have taken place on the night between August 6 and 7, in the bedroom located in the basement of the house and in the adjacent bathroom and the child’s death, according to the autopsy results, would have occurred due to blood loss, from the cutting of the umbilical cord in the absence of adequate mechanical constriction of the umbilical vessels.

Indicative in this sense would also be the Traces of blood found by the girl’s father in the sinkin the faucet and in a carpet in that bathroom. It seems that CP spent those hours, from the beginning of labor to the birth of the baby, until leaving for New York, hanging out with her friends and going out to clubs. A full adherence to reality that the girl would manage for her benefit, to achieve her intent.

Therefore, there was no mistake, no misfortune, as she had tried to make people believe as soon as she was heard by the investigators, claiming that the child had already been stillborn and that she, unaware of his real condition, had consequently behaved in a panic.

It seems this girl has chosen with extreme lucidity every action to be taken and this also in consideration of his previous experience. We know in fact that, thanks to the content of CP’s phone and the searches carried out, the investigators found in the garden the remains of a first child, born in May 2013, whose causes of death are still to be established.

A premeditated murder, two suppressions of corpses, the The motive seems impossible to reconstruct at the moment. Further investigations and examination of this girl’s functioning will perhaps be able to provide further elements in the future and to exclude with absolute certainty the complicity of other people.


I am a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Forensic Criminologist. Expert in Legal, Investigative and Criminal Psychology. Expert in gender violence, assessment of the risk of recidivism and escalation of abusive and persecutory behaviors and structuring of protection plans. Trainer at national level.
