Next to Lihula, the largest solar park in the Baltic States will be opened

Construction of the Kirkuküla solar park in June 2024. Photo: Urmas Lauri

Construction of the Kirkuküla solar park in June 2024. Photo: Urmas Lauri

On October 3, the largest solar park in the Baltic States will be opened in Kirikuküla, next to Lihula in Lääneranna municipality.

The production capacity of the Kirikmäe solar park, built in cooperation between the Estonian energy company Evecon and the investment fund Mirova, is 77.5 MW.

117,600 solar panels have been installed on almost 110 hectares, which can cover the annual energy needs of 35,000 households.

Among others, climate minister Yoko Alender will participate in the opening event.

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