Nils Molinder’s salary and million-dollar company: That’s how much he earns

Nils Molinder, 55, is one of Sweden’s foremost chefs, especially in seafood. In this area, he is so skilled that he has come to be known as Sweden’s fish king.

Started working with food as early as 13 years old

He runs, among other things, Melander’s fish, Sjöpaviljongen, Wärdshuset Ulla Winbladh, Art Bakery, Nostrano and the legendary Wedholm’s fish.

He had an interest in what comes from the sea early on. Already at the age of 13, he was scrubbing crabs at his practice.

When he was 18, he did a two-year journeyman’s apprenticeship at the Grand Hotel and trained as a chef.

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Started up Melanders Group with his brother

A year after receiving his journeyman’s certificate, he started the Melanders Group together with his brother, Boss Malmqvist and Inger Stridsberg.

Melander’s fish had been for sale in Östermalmshallen and the two young brothers decided to strike.

– It was fantastic to be able to open our own and we quickly gained a clientele, Molinder has told Better.

The company did well and soon they were able to open more stores and restaurants.

Today, approximately 650 employees work within the Melanders Group in around 20 restaurants.

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Molinder’s restaurant received a Michelin star

Wedholm’s fish in central Stockholm is the restaurant that Molinder holds most close to his heart. It is one of the first restaurants in Sweden to be awarded a Michelin star.

– It is the crowning glory, with the very finest ingredients. We’ve had it since 1997, and to this day many of the dishes on the menu are the same as when we opened, he told Better.

In 2015, Nils Molinder competed in the Chefs’ Battle and finished in second place. This year he competes again, in the Chefs’ Battle All Star.

READ MORE: That’s what Nils Molinder thinks of this year’s contestants in the Chefs’ Battle

Photo: Lars Pehrson / SvD / TT

Nils Molinder about the chefs’ struggle

When News24 talked to Molinder, he spoke only highly of the production and the other participants.

– Absolutely the most fun this year is a fantastic casting with a great group who compete, laugh and hang out, he told Nyheter24.

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Lives in a villa north of Stockholm

Nils Molinder lives in a villa in Täby north of Stockholm. According to in collaboration with Real AI, the house is worth approximately SEK 11,700,000 on the market.

Even if most of Nils Molinder’s jobs and board assignments turned out to be profitable in 2023, Nils Molinder doesn’t have a huge salary.

That’s how much the star chef earns

Nyheter24 has contacted the Swedish Tax Agency to find out Nils Molinder’s determined earned income, i.e. the sum of income from employment and business activities.

It turned out that Nils Molinder had an earned income of SEK 457,700 in 2023. If you divide it by the number of months in a year, it is a monthly salary of approximately SEK 38,140.

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The million companies

Nils Molinder has many balls in the air and currently sits on around 20 different boards and runs several different restaurants and pubs.

And it’s not exactly going badly for these companies. In Melanders Södermalm AB, Nils Molinder is deputy board member and the company made a profit of SEK 16,505,000 in 2023.

And Wärdshuset Ulla Winbladh AB, where Nils Molinder is deputy board member, made a profit of SEK 7,766,000 in 2023.

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Shortfall of capital of over SEK 100,000

He also had a deficit of capital of SEK 198,252, according to the Swedish Tax Agency.

A deficit of capital means that the expenses have been greater than the income of capital. If, for example, you have high interest costs, it can contribute to a deficit of capital.

Having a high deficit of capital can be interpreted by banks and other lenders as having a high leverage.
