“No adjustments to planned quantity reductions allowed” guidelines ahead of fall harvest

A sign reading “Let’s defend socialism with rice” is installed in a village in the border area of ​​Yanggang Province. / Photo = Daily NK

It has been reported that the Yanggang Province Rural Economic Committee has issued strict instructions to all farms in the province to unconditionally achieve their planned harvest amounts without any separate adjustments ahead of the start of this year’s fall harvest.

Daily NK’s Yanggang Province source reported on the 23rd, “Ahead of the full-scale fall harvest, the provincial rural management committee sent out guidelines to farms through all city and county rural management committees in the province, criticizing the fact that the harvest volume was being adjusted and that it was being carried out according to the existing national plan early this month.”

According to sources, these guidelines are in accordance with national directives, and the provincial rural economy committee emphasized that the settlement distribution and purchase of agricultural products will proceed as planned and no downward adjustments will be allowed.

The source said, “This is to prevent farms that have less harvest than planned due to various adverse conditions such as natural disasters from crying and asking for a change in the planned amount before the fall harvest, and to ensure that the planned amount set by the government is unconditionally achieved despite the reduced harvest.”

In fact, it is said that farm workers in several cities and counties have raised their voices saying that it is inevitable to adjust the national plan amount due to crop damage caused by natural disasters such as heavy rain and flooding this summer.

However, the provincial Rural Economic Committee did not listen to this at all and immediately dismissed it, urging each farm to unconditionally achieve its set goals, even if it meant adjusting the distribution of accounts to farm workers or the amount of feed to be used for livestock.

It has been reported that the city/county agricultural management committees also emphasized securing the national plan quantity while prioritizing securing seeds in advance to solve the annual seed shortage problem and ensure stable future production. They gave instructions to first secure the national plan quantity and the required seed quantity and then distribute the remaining crops to the farmers.

In addition, the city/county agricultural management committees were ordered to thoroughly investigate and examine the grain production of some unregistered small plots and to not neglect even the smallest details so that they can contribute to the national plan, and to have farms demonstrate patriotism and make efforts to exceed this year’s national plan.

In addition, as the fall harvest season approaches, farms are busy securing crops to pay off their debts, claiming that they will pay back the money they borrowed for supplies and seeds in the spring. However, some farms are intentionally doing this to create a surplus, contrary to the truth, and they have warned that they will thoroughly investigate by sending prosecutors.

Meanwhile, the city/county agricultural management committee pointed out that workers (executives) steal crops more often than regular farm workers, and threatened to impose severe punishment if such problematic behavior is discovered.

“The attitude of these agricultural guidance agencies, which focus more on achieving plans than on the realistic difficulties faced by farms, is causing internal dissatisfaction among farm workers and farm managers,” the source said.

Source: www.dailynk.com