no increase in 2025?

The National Assembly rejected the government’s plan to increase the ecological penalty on almost all gasoline and diesel vehicles from January 1, 2025.

SATURDAY, the National Assembly rejected the government’s proposal to strengthen the ecological penalty on petrol and diesel vehicles from 1is January 2025.

The bill, which aimed to lower the trigger thresholds penalties based on weight and CO emissions2 new vehicles, was refused by a majority of 128 votescoming from various political groups, notably elected officials from the National Rally (RN), Republicans (LR), socialists and communists.

In opposition, 90 deputies, mainly from the Macronist, environmentalist and rebellious ranks, spoke out in favor of this provision as part of the 2025 budget.

A debate on the ecological and economic relevance of the measure

The measure defended by the Minister of the Budget, Laurent Saint-Martin, was part of a strategy aimed at to encourage the ecological transition of the French automobile fleet. According to the minister, the lowering of the penalty thresholds would have had the effect of“support the greening of the fleet with constant efficiency”. This perspective, however, was not enough to convince a large part of the hemicycle, including some MPs theoretically allied to the government.
Opponents of the project have criticized several aspects of the proposal. Corentin Le Fur, LR MP, estimated that the increase in the penalty would penalize not only the French automobile industry, but also the inhabitants of rural areas, where the car remains essential. “This does not mean that we are against the government and Michel Barnier”he clarified, adding that for him it is a matter of “play (their) role as parliamentarians to influence certain measures which seem negative to (them)”.
Eddy Casterman, related RN deputy, also denounced what he considers to be “punitive and ideological ecology”. He recalled that the measure would directly affect “traders, craftsmen, middle and working class families”categories which, according to him, risk being severely impacted by an increase in the penalty.

Varied arguments within the left

The rejection of the measure is not based solely on a divide between the government majority and the opposition; it also divides the left. Hervé Saulignac, PS deputy, opposed the penalty project by invoking the defense of purchasing power, citing the example of a large family which uses a station wagon and could be penalized in the same way as an owner of Luxury SUV. This differentiation, according to him, is essential to avoid inflicting a disproportionate tax burden on certain families.
Conversely, Eva Sas, an environmentalist MP, supported the penalty, even believing that it could have been strengthened by further lowering the entry thresholds. For her, this measure was “in a good way”in favor of a change in behavior in the face of the climate emergency. A position shared by Sandrine Rousseau, who recalled the need to thoroughly review consumption habits to reduce CO emissions2 : “Each time we tackle one of the behaviors, we find multiple reasons not to do it”she regretted.

While the examination of the budgetary text as part of the 2025 Finance Bill must end this weekend, the use of article 49.3 looms over the National Assembly.
