North Korean military begins preparations for wintering, forms ‘harmony team’ and sends some on special vacation

Logs are being transported by tractor. /Photo = Rodong Sinmun/News 1

It has been reported that the North Korean military has begun full-scale winter preparations since early this month. It is said that a ‘firewood team’ was formed in each company to gather firewood, and some soldiers were given special leave of up to a month in the name of this.

According to a Daily NK Hamgyongnam-do source on the 21st, subordinate companies of the 7th Corps stationed in Hamheung City formed a firewood team to prepare firewood on the 2nd and began full-scale winter preparations.

Meanwhile, it was reported that Mr. A, a junior soldier belonging to the 7th Corps, was assigned to the reconciliation team and went down to his hometown, Hwanghaebuk-do, after receiving special leave for a month. This was after receiving the task of obtaining not only the firewood needed for the company, but also the money or equivalent items needed to purchase the firewood needed for the homes of military officers belonging to the company.

Mr. A is from the Hol-dong Workers’ District in Yeonsangun. This area is an area where the economic conditions of the residents are relatively better due to the presence of gold mines under major power organizations such as the Central Party and the Ministry of State Security. As a result, if there is a soldier from a family that can afford it, like Mr. A, the company intentionally places him in a harmony group and prepares for winter on his own.

In particular, company military officers are known to have demanded gold from Mr. A in exchange for firewood. It is not known exactly how much gold Mr. A agreed to give, but it is known that he was asked for an amount that was much larger than the typical bribe level. This is the news source’s story.

The source said, “During the season of reconciliation, some of the soldiers are given leave, which not only brings harmony to their families but also money, so military officers’ pockets are overflowing during this time.”

However, the fact that Mr. A decided to give gold to the military officers of the company was also brought to the attention of the corps security instructor by a fellow soldier in the same company.

The security advisor called Mr. A, asked him the whole story, and threatened him, saying, “If this issue is formally brought up to the Corps, your ability to join the party may be hindered.” In effect, a bribe was requested from Mr. A in exchange for turning a blind eye to this matter.

The source said, “If we want to make peace, we need to provide one car to each company commander and the company political leader’s family based on the Seungri-58 (truck), and at least five or six cars for the company to use.” This means that one firewood crew usually prepares a large amount of firewood, enough to load 5 to 6 2.5-ton trucks.

However, the source explained that soldiers from families with some money want to join the reconciliation group because they can take long-term vacations, which are no different from special privileges.

On the other hand, it is reported that soldiers who were assigned to the reconciliation team but cannot afford to pay are suffering from intense labor all day long.

Each company consists of 5 to 6 people, and in the case of the 7th Corps, when a company is incorporated into a firewood team, they go to a mountain designated by the corps and work all day chopping and carrying wood. It is said that this work is so intense that soldiers sometimes say, “Entering a reconciliation group is like going to a training camp.”

The source said, “There is bound to be a big difference in the service environment between soldiers who have money at home and soldiers who do not,” and “Undercommissioned soldiers who are not financially well off will have to endure hard labor throughout the winter preparation period if they are organized into a reconciliation team, so they will not be able to afford it financially.” “In direct contrast to the lower warriors, most of them are reluctant to be part of a reconciliation group,” he said.
