North Korean workers ‘angry’ after hearing disparaging remarks even though they did not receive the balance

A scene of North Korean construction workers dispatched to Russia working. /Photo=Daily NK

It has been reported that North Korean workers recently dispatched to Russia are complaining about non-payment of balances and disdainful attitudes by local Russian companies. Accordingly, the North Korean company that manages the workers is said to be cracking down on actions that could escalate into diplomatic issues.

Daily NK, a local Russian news source on North Korea, said on the 27th, “Recently, North Korean construction workers who completed work in Tzumen (Russia) did not receive their balance, but the Russian construction company ignored this and local Russians made disparaging comments about North Korean workers. “As soon as this comes out, dissatisfaction is rising,” he said.

According to the source, three work teams made up of North Korean workers have been working on the construction of a building complex in Tzimen over the past four months. Of these, the last remaining work group (15 people) completed construction on the 18th, but the Russian construction company delayed payment of the balance, so they had no choice but to withdraw without receiving all the money.

The source said, “On the 20th, the Russian construction company said it would carry over the balance to the next construction project and pay it, but contact was cut off after that,” adding, “The North Korean construction company that manages North Korean workers raised the issue with the Tzumen local authorities and the police.” “I did, but I just received an answer telling me to wait.”

Meanwhile, Russians from other local construction companies who are aware of this situation say, “It’s not like they won’t give you money, so why are you being so tired? It is known that he is supporting the Russian construction company that did not pay the balance, saying, “Isn’t there a personal reason?”

Moreover, Russians say, “North Korean workers should be grateful to Russia for giving them work, and if they have to wait, they should wait,” and “The country (North Korea) is in a situation where they cannot make enough money to make enough money to send soldiers to war, so shouldn’t they put up with this?” It is said that he does not hesitate to make disparaging remarks.

“These remarks by the Russians are a great insult to the North Korean workers in Tzumen,” the source said. “North Korean workers are angry that they are being treated insignificantly by some Russians despite working hard here (Russia).” He said.

It is said that this is not the first time that a Russian construction company has delayed payment of the balance even after work is completed or disappeared altogether, so to speak, ‘making a fuss’. However, the source said that local North Korean workers are feeling a great deal of humiliation as some Russians even appeared to be blatantly sarcastic, calling them “poor Karei (Koreans)” in response to the recent news of the North Korean military’s deployment to Russia.

Despite the situation, a North Korean construction company in Tzumen is afraid that angry workers may fight with Russians and cause physical conflict, which could lead to a diplomatic problem, so workers are told, “Even if we have to wait, we must not cause any incidents or accidents.” It is reported that he is urging people to be self-respecting.
