Northern Netherlands start-up fund with 20 million euros

A new so-called proof-of-concept fund was launched yesterday in Groningen with a disposable capital of twenty million euros.

The money is earmarked for around fifty start-ups in the tech domain with an investment horizon of five years.

Future Tech Ventures (FTV) is launched yesterday op Startup Festival in the stadium of FC Groningen. That event was visited by about four hundred entrepreneurs, investors and interested parties.

Half of the growth capital was raised from the Just Transition Fund (JTF) and the other half from Triade (UMCG), RuG Ventures, NOM and the Groningen Investment Fund.

JTF is a fund, so says the EU programme sitewhich focuses on regions that are experiencing a lot of inconvenience from the transition to climate neutrality. The link with the northern Netherlands is not clear at first glance.

FTV is led by Niek Huizenga, who is also a fund manager at early stage fund G-Force Capital from Groningen. His team must help innovative ideas grow into a market-ready product or service.

Photo: Maxence Werp, Unsplash
