Nuclear plant restarts to power Microsoft’s AI

Microsoft recently announced a partnership with Constellation Energy for its reopening nuclear plant Three Mile Island (TMI) in Pennsylvania to meet the energy needs of its data centers for cloud computing and artificial intelligence. The partnership includes the rehabilitation of the TMI-1 reactor by 2028, with the goal of producing 835 MW of clean energy and creating 3,400 direct and indirect jobs.

The history of TMI is well known, as in 1979 one of the most happened infamous nuclear accidents in the TMI-2 reactor, where a partial meltdown occurred and radioactive gases were released. The TMI-1 reactor continued to operate until 2019, when it was shut down for financial reasons, with plans to decommission by 2052. However, under the new agreement, its operation will be extended until 2054 and the plant will be renamed “Crane Clean Energy Center”.

Constellation and Microsoft say reopening the plant will help reduce carbon emissions and boost Pennsylvania’s economy. This partnership is supported by the state of Pennsylvania and the federal government, and polls show that local residents are more than 2 to 1 in favor.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and US Congressman Scott Perry praise the project for providing clean energy, boosting the economy and creating new jobs in the region.
