More than half of the websites surveyed offering manuka honey use misleading claims. This is evident from research by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). The NVWA has given these websites official warnings and imposed administrative fines.
Manuka honey, made from the nectar of the New Zealand manuka bush, is increasingly being promoted as a superfood. Many claims about this honey lack scientific substantiation. The NVWA therefore investigated 38 websites that sell manuka honey for the correct use of claims. The entire website was assessed, including texts in blogs, reviews, photos or videos.
Of the 38 websites examined, 15 made prohibited medical claims about manuka honey. For example, it has been suggested that manuka honey can combat the MRSA bacteria, or that you can use it for bronchitis or asthma. Even claims about preventing or supporting the treatment of cancer were used.
Unjustified health claims were made on eight of the websites examined. Examples of such health claims are: ‘has a unique antibacterial effect’, ‘special antibacterial properties’ and ‘contains special bioactive properties that contain many health benefits’.
Companies that made unjustified claims have received an official warning or a fine has been imposed. Many companies have taken action and adjusted their websites. In the coming period, reinspections will take place to check whether the websites of the companies investigated now comply with the legislation. If the violation has not been resolved, the NVWA will take more serious measures.