of Nineteen Letters, Business with China, and Commerce

On Tuesday’s radio morning, we will talk about the letter from large companies to the government, the bank’s view of the state of companies, as well as doing business with China.

  • 19 prominent entrepreneurs and business figures wrote a letter to Prime Minister Kristen Michal with proposals for tax increases. Photo: Andras Kralla

Let’s talk with the head of LHV Bank, Kadri Kiisel, whether the economic stagnation is also reflected in the discipline of corporate loan payments and which businesses are currently the most attractive from the bank’s point of view.

19 entrepreneurs sent a letter to the Prime Minister with their tax proposals. The proposals differ from the vision of several business organizations. We will find out why entrepreneurs do not agree, for free, from one of the authors of the letter, Priit Lepasep, head of Sunly.

Peeter Raudsepp, head of the Institute of Economic Studies, received criticism from the Prime Minister in connection with his prediction that Estonia is on its way to becoming one of the five most expensive countries in Europe. Let’s find out why he thinks so and what data is used in the consumer barometer analysis.

With Indrek Tarand, former MEP and chancellor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we talk about whether it is ethical to do business with China and how much Estonian economic policy differs from that of other EU countries.

The morning program is hosted by Hando Sinisalu, news is edited by Stiine Reintam.

You can find it here to listen directly.

The program day continues with four programs:

10.00-11.00 “Sustainable and green”. In the content marketing show, the topic is how the journey of sustainability has changed one of the largest gas station chains in Estonia.

Alexela’s head of sustainability, Kadri Ambos, talks about Alexela’s transformation into an energy department store and gives a comprehensive overview of more environmentally friendly fuel options. Biomethane, which is produced according to the best principles of the circular economy, will receive a lot of attention, promoting cross-sectoral cooperation and revitalizing rural life. Host Esme Kassak talks to Kadri Ambos.

11.00-12.00 “Investor Toomas hour”. The show talks about how macroeconomics and financial markets are related. In a presentation at the 2024 investment festival, SEB’s economic analyst Mihkel Nestor and Redgate Wealth’s head of investments Peeter Koppel share what correlations exist between the economy and stock prices and how to benefit from them.

The second half of the show will focus on how inflation has favored stock markets in the past and how central banks are controlling it.

13.00–14.00 “Construction news is on the air”. Janar Tükk, the portfolio manager of Rail Baltic, and Tarvi Kliimask, the CEO of Verston, will be in the program, and they will talk about a very large alliance tender for Rail Baltic in the Estonian sense, the cost of which, including all the works, could amount to a billion euros. It will be announced on September 23.

The guests point out that although the tender will be announced soon, its success largely depends on the country. Also, all risks related to the location of the route are not yet certain and it is not known what restrictions may still occur.

The show is hosted by Teeli Remmelg.

15.00-16.00 “Tourism lesson”. The September program brings listeners the latest developments at Tallinn Airport. We will talk about a successful flying summer, the difficulties associated with the opening of flight routes and the future of Tallinn Airport. Eero Pärgmäe, member of Tallinn Airport’s board, and Kristiina Kästik, business marketing team manager of Puhka Eestis program, have come to visit. The program is hosted by Joonas-Hendrik Mägi.

Listen to Äripää radio in Tallinn and Harjumaa 92.4 MHz, Tartu 97.7 MHz, Pärnu 91.9 MHz, Haapsalu 96.0 MHz, Saaremaa 101.7 MHz, Ida-Virumaa 94.6 MHz, Raplama 101.8 MHz and Järvamaa 104.3 MHz.

You can find it here to listen directly.

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Source: www.aripaev.ee