Offensive personalized signs that were rejected this year

If you want to compose the text on the car registration plate yourself, you can apply for the right to a personal plate from the Swedish Transport Agency.

The right to a personal sign costs SEK 6,200, and is valid for 10 years. However, before the right is granted, the registration number you have chosen must be approved by the Swedish Transport Agency’s investigator. have taken a closer look at the personal signs that have been rejected so far this year.

Must “give a positive feeling”

There are several possible reasons why a sign may be rejected.

– Things that are directly offensive, profanity, allusions to sex, crime, religion and politics are rejected immediately, says Eva Isakseninvestigator at the Swedish Transport Agency, to Carup.

There are special requirements that the personal signs must meet. According to Eva Isaksen, the reg plates should “give a positive feeling”, and absolutely must not cause any offense whatsoever.


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“SCHNELL” was rejected, “RUMPMAS” was approved

An example that Carup gives of a sign that seems innocent but was still rejected is “SCHNELL”. The reason may be that the word means “fast” in German.

A reg sheet that was approved, however, is “RUMPMAS”, which is an accepted term for a person with roots in southern Dalarna.

They are investigating personal plates

In total, there are five investigators for personal plates at the Swedish Transport Agency, all of whom are of different ages and backgrounds in order to have the competence to make correct assessments.

In most cases, the Swedish Transport Agency’s investigators can directly make a decision on whether or not a license plate can be approved. In some cases, however, the applications must be discussed in groups.

– You see some signs straight away and then there is rejection. But there are five of us in the group and if it gets trickier, we have to have a discussion. Then there can be different opinions, says Eva Isaksen to Carup.


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Personal reg plates that were rejected this year

Below you can see all applications for registration plates that have been rejected in 2024.
