Officially: this is how much BPM you will pay for an electric car in 2025

Strange actually: the BPM exemption for EVs will disappear in a few months, but there is no official government site to find out how much BPM you will pay. Even the Ministry of Finance had to look for it, but we have the answer: €667 per car. Yes: a fixed amount, regardless of size or price. BPM is and will remain (for the time being) based on CO2 emissions, which are and will remain 0 (zero) for an EV. This means that for an electric car you only owe the so-called fixed rate, a basic amount that is not related to CO2 emissions. This fixed part of the bpm is currently €440, but from 1 January this will first be subject to an inflation correction of 1.2 percent. In addition, an additional €200 will be added, an increase determined in 2023. This means that an inflation adjustment will be calculated twice on that €200, 1.2 percent for 2024 and 9.9 percent for 2023. This means that €200 suddenly becomes €222. 43. Together with the corrected amount of €440 (€445.23), the total amounts to €667.71. At the Tax Authorities, everything is always rounded off in your favor, so the BPM amount for electric cars in 2025 will be €667 per car. We are probably not going to leave the EV behind for that, but for a cheap model like the Citroën ë-C3, now starting at €24,290, the difference is still significant. Private buyers would do well to take action this year, because the SEPP subsidy of €2,950 per new EV will also disappear in 2025.
