Olaf Scholz comes to “maybrit illner”

© ZDF / Christian Schoppe

25 years and 1,000 issues: Maybrit Illner has every reason to celebrate. And then a special guest comes to her talk show.

At the 1,000th Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) will be a guest on the ZDF political talk show “maybrit illner”. A ZDF spokesman in Mainz said this. The conversation will be broadcast on October 24th at 10:15 p.m., about a week after the 25th anniversary. The format started on October 14, 1999 under the title “Berlin Mitte”. The show has borne the presenter’s name for a good 17 years.

“maybrit illner” is celebrating a big anniversary

“1,000 issues – and none were the same,” said Maybrit Illner about the round number. “If there is a recipe for success, it is topicality and relevance: always staying on top of the events, the best conversation guests, the crucial questions – that is our goal every week in a world that is becoming increasingly uncertain.”

In the year so far, 2024 has reached ZDF-Polittalk a market share of 14.2 percent. The 28 editions of “maybrit illner” between January and September 2024 were seen by an average of 2.44 million viewers.

Text: dpa/ Editor: JN

Image source:

  • Maybrit Illner 2023: © ZDF / Christian Schoppe

Source: www.digitalfernsehen.de