Old American culture has survived much longer than we thought

culture Mocheknown for its extensive temple complexes, is one of the most intriguing pre-Columbian phenomena Peru. Huaca del Soltheir most famous temple, built of over 130 million bricks, was built between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD and remains the largest structure of its type in the Americas.

Still, about the end of the Moche civilization relatively little is known. This people was conquered by the Wari Empire around the 8th-9th centuries AD. Until now, it was believed that the Moche culture was quickly eliminated by the aggressor, but research shows that it was preserved long after the fall of the state.

Archaeologists from Dr. Jeffrey Quilter from Harvard University led the analysis about 20 textile sampleswhich were discovered in excellent condition in the ruins of a vast city Moche huacas. Using radiocarbon dating, they determined that many of these fabrics were created after 900 ADmeaning they were woven decades after the Moche were absorbed into the Wari.

The research results indicate continuity in both production techniques and decorative styles typical of earlier Moche textiles. Although these fabrics contain elements characteristic of the Wari culture and other local groups, there are also undeniable strong influences of the Moche culture. This is proof that despite political and social changes, at least part of the community in Huacas de Moche has retained its own cultural identity.

Understanding the cultural identity of ancient societies is one of the most difficult challenges in archeology. As Dr. Quilter points out, one of the key goals of the research was to understand when and to what extent the Moche became part of the new order created by the Wari. And textiles are an element that reflects these issues very well.

Found textiles that have been preserved in excellent condition are proof that The Moche did not disappear from history as quickly as originally thoughtand their cultural identity was strong enough that they were able to resist the influence of the stronger Wari empire.

However, archaeologists are aware of the limitations in determining full cultural identity without the availability of written sources. The Moche, like many other American communities, had no writing, making it difficult to accurately understand their history. Nevertheless, next to the Inca, they are among the best-known ancient Andean civilizations, mainly thanks to their monumental buildings.


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Source: geekweek.interia.pl