Omnium will remember the 50th anniversary of the execution of Puig Antich with the film ‘Salvador’ and a round table

Òmnium Pla de Montserrat is commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Salvador Puig Antich with an event in Martorell. It will be this Friday, October 18, from 6:00 p.m., in the Joan Cererols Auditorium of the Cultural Center. On the one hand, it will be projected film Salvador of Manel Huerga and on the other a round table will be organized with the family and lawyers of the young man and people of Martorell who will explain how he lived from here.

The event is part of a round of recognitions that Òmnium Cultural has been making throughout this year to remember the fiftieth anniversary of the execution of the young anarchist and anti-fascist on March 2, 1974 in the Model prison in Barcelona, by the vile club method. Events that shocked civil society at the time.

“Some of the people who will come were already there and followed it, but many people did not live the events and the moment, and we think it is important for the country that they know how everything happened”, explains the organizer of the event and member of Òmnium Pla de Montserrat, Maria Teresa Casanovas. “In addition, it will be given a local touch, as we will analyze how people lived in Martorell, which was no stranger to it”.

Maria Teresa Casanovas, organitzadora de l'acte

To begin with, there will be a screening of the film Salvador(2006, Manel Huerga), which “is very well done and documented and reflects very well how people lived in 1974 in our house”, comments Casanovas.

Maria Teresa Casanovas, organitzadora de l'acte

Then, at 8:15 p.m., a round table will begin in which Magda Oranich will take part, “one of the lawyers who brought the Salvador case, and who will bring us her vision, of great value, because she will explain how how the trials were carried out at that time and how they were manipulated”. He will be accompanied by “two of the sisters from El Salvador, who will explain how they lived and spent those days, how the family coped and how they value this recognition that is being given to them by all of Catalonia”.

Maria Teresa Casanovas, organitzadora de l'acte

And there will also be people from Martorell who experienced that reality from different prisms. Such as Salvador Esteve, who at the time was linked to several social entities, and a group of people who were students of the Institute, who echoed it and experienced, for the first time, a political event like that”.

Maria Teresa Casanovas, organitzadora de l'acte

Casanovas invites everyone to attend this evening, which combines “the vindictive memory with the fact of giving value to the history of our town of Martorell”.

Omnium will remember the 50th anniversary of the execution of Puig Antich with the film ‘Salvador’ and a round table
