On Friday, possible protests by farmers throughout Serbia

On Friday, possible protests by farmers throughout Serbia

Farmers’ associations have announced a protest for Friday, July 19, due to the unfulfilled promises of the former prime minister and current president of the Serbian Parliament, Ana Brnabić.

“Seven farmers’ associations are dissatisfied with the fulfillment of the promises made by Brnabić last year, and we have reported to the police a street protest that will take place in major cities of Serbia,” said the president of the Stig farmers’ association, Nedeljko Savić.

He added that he can postpone the protest only by fulfilling the demands at the meeting that should be held these days at the Ministry of Agriculture.

The meeting was offered by the Ministry a few days ago, after the public hearing on agriculture policy for the next year.

“We don’t have much faith in the positive outcome of the talks at the Ministry of Agriculture, but we will give them another chance,” Savić said.

He stated that farmers, as Brnabić promised last year, expect the arrangement of the commodity exchange, the payment of 17,000 dinars subsidies per hectare for certified seeds, agreed subsidies in the livestock farm for domestic heifers, the payment of premiums for milk on time, compliance with excise duty refund deadlines and others.

“Martinović behaves as if he is uninformed”

He said that he expects the Minister of Agriculture, Aleksandar Martinović, to lift the ban on the export of sunflower oil before harvest.

Aleksandar Martinović (Screenshot)

Savić said that the agronomists exchanged messages with Brnabić via Viber and that when reminded of what she had promised, she replied that “she is here to help when needed, but that she cannot interfere in the work of the Government of Serbia.”

He said that Martinović behaves at the meetings as if he was completely uninformed about the agreements between Brnabić and the farmers who protested in May and November last year, after which meetings were held in Kisač with Brnabić and the then Minister of Agriculture Jelena Tanasković in the Government of Serbia and agreed to fulfill more demands.

Source: Beta

Photo: Beta

Source: bizlife.rs