On January 30, Apple will announce financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2025

In the investor section of the website Apple.com information appeared that on January 30, financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2025, covering the period from October to December, will be presented. It is worth recalling that the fiscal year for Apple runs from October to December (it starts a quarter earlier than the calendar year).

The data will include sales of new iPad Minis, iMacs, Mac Minis and new MacBook Pros, among others.

It is worth recalling that in the previous quarter, Apple recorded record results. Total revenues amounted to over USD 94.93 billion, and profit was over USD 14.7 billion. It is worth recalling that this was due to the tax that Apple paid in Ireland. If not for him, the profit would amount to USD 24.9 billion.

The conference call will be available on Apple’s special website.

Source: myapple.pl