On the same level with the Refugee Team or Albania. How did Slovakia fare in the ranking of countries in the medal balance? – OH Paris 2024 – Summer Olympics

Slovakia finished in 84th place in the medal balance of the countries at the Olympic Games in Paris together with Ivory Coast, Albania, Qatar, Cape Verde, Peru, Zambia, Singapore and the Refugee Team. The only Slovak medal was won by water slalomer Matej Beňuš, who won bronze in C1.


Matej Beňuš with the first medal for the Slovak expedition.

After the final 16th competition day, the USA rose to the top of the ranking.

Thanks to the final triumph of the basketball players over France, they overtook China, the Americans won a total of 40 gold, 44 silver and 42 bronze medals in France.

The Chinese took second place with a record of 40–22–24, the third place belongs to the Japanese (20–12–13).

Compared to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Slovakia’s medal balance significantly worsened.

In the Japanese capital, it finished in 50th position with one gold, two silver and one bronze medal.

The title of Olympic champion in the trap went to Zuzana Rehák Štefečeková, silver to water slalom skier Jakub Grigar with golfer Rory Sabbatini, and bronze to the quadruple kayak consisting of Samuel Baláž, Denis Myšák, Erik Vlček, Adam Botek.

Source: sportweb.pravda.sk