On Tuesday, the on-call system will also be renewed in Budapest

Szabolcs Békássy, founder and president of the Online Organization of General Practitioners, speaking to InfoRádio he nailed it:

there is no need to worry, GPs do not have to leave waiting patients behind during their appointments.

The national collegiate leading general practitioner highlighted:

The biggest new feature of emergency care in Budapest will be the uniform telephone number. It has been available in the countryside for months, and from the first of October, patients can reach the on-call service in the capital via the dispatcher number 1830.

After dialing the phone number, the dispatchers decide what level of assistance the patient needs, depending on the severity of the situation, the patient may receive emergency care rather than emergency care, he repeated.

  • The service will be available at the 15 call points on weekdays from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day,
  • at the same time, in Budapest, unlike in the countryside, there will be two points that operate from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon, and three will serve children.

Szabolcs Békássy also mentioned that the appointment time of family doctors is not related to the on-call time. He emphasized:

the appointment times of family doctors are still regulated by the contracts concluded with the municipality, i.e. if a family doctor has been able to provide services for his patients in the afternoon, he can do so now.

The national collegiate leading general practitioner believes that afternoon appointment times are more convenient for many residents of working age, so this issue will not be affected by the launch of the new system in October.

New medical on-call system

Image: Economx

Szabolcs Békássy answered the question about doctors who have reached retirement age,

  • according to the general rule, general practitioners with the right to practice are obliged to participate in on-call care, but the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) may grant an exemption from this in certain cases;
  • they trust that the proximity of university clinics and national hospital centers will create an opportunity for young doctors working in hospitals to take on duty, thus relieving the burden on family doctors, since they are not the only ones who can participate in the service.

The treatment of urgent, life-threatening conditions remains the responsibility of the OMSZ, neither in Budapest nor in the countryside is it the duty of family doctors to leave the crowded waiting rooms behind and deal with them

Szabolcs Békássy underlined.

Source: www.economx.hu