(OneNext Influence Study) Women leaders, loyal readers of the press – Press > Media

For the fifth consecutive year, the ACPM has published the OneNext Influence study, which provides print and digital audience results for press brands among senior executives and high-income households. This year, the focus is on influential women.

The theme of this annual benchmark study focuses on women and aims to draw up a profile of the “Top Executive and Top Income” female manager. This concerns 950,000 women (+14.8% VS 2020), or 38.6% of the study universe (+3.3%).

What is the profile of these women leaders?

There are 950,000 women in France, aged 43 on average. 90% of them live with a partner and 53% have children under 15. 68% of them live in urban areas with more than 100,000 inhabitants and 77% of them have a Bac+4 or higher.

Pros, confident

Mostly executives of private companies, they work in education and administration. They are 57% executives in the private sector compared to 20% in the civil service and 23% self-employed. Responsible, they play a decisive role within the company whether in the choice of investments or in terms of management (nearly 50%). Thus, 25% are members of Comex, Codir or CA and half participate in investment decisions in the company. They influence their professional environment through speaking out and provide training to 36%.

Charismatic, they are listened to by those around them at 75%, put all their energy into a project at 83% and like to take risks at 32%. Finally, 39% are interested in social networks. Of course, work is an essential element of their development, “to find their place in society” (76%) and find a work-life balance (87%), even if for 60% work spills over into their private life. They are fans of sport, health and well-being. In their relationship with brands, 78% of them favor “Made in France” products and 78% local products and short circuits, but also organic and eco-friendly products.

Luxury, a conscious choice

Women in power say they spend without counting at 24% and 6% have more than 4000 euros left for everyday consumption each month. Half of them buy favorites among luxury brands (12%) and half favor high-end high-tech equipment. No less than 20% perceive luxury as an art of living. Aware of the ecological emergency, 55% of them say they will choose a non-polluting car for their future purchase and 9% have bought a car costing more than 40,000 euros. To travel, 66% of them favor comfort even if it means paying more. They take care of themselves (luxury brand, etc.) and 33% follow fashion and beauty influencers. 86% of them are sporty and ski (53%).

Strong appeal to the press

No less than 45% are big readers of newspapers and magazines in order to follow their sector of activity (72%), but also to find out about health (70%), science (65%), national (64%) and international news (63%). If 37% have already bought the press on the internet, they read the news on their phone VS 42% in paper. They find it a way to take a step back, to find reliable, complete and independent information. They have a positive perception of press advertising (ideas, discoveries, etc.) in print as well as digital.

Source: www.e-marketing.fr