Only 15 percent of Europeans know how to use the benefits of AI in their daily lives

According to new data released today by Samsung Electronics, only a small number of Europeans feel capable enough to use AI in their daily lives.

A survey of more than 11,000 people in ten European countries showed that more than half of respondents want AI to make their lives simpler (53 percent), improve entertainment and improve quality of life.

But only 15 percent of Europeans say they know what they need to do to take advantage of these benefits in their everyday lives, while 38 percent say they don’t feel included in ongoing discussions about artificial intelligence.

When asked to rate how much they understand this technology, respondents in Poland were the most likely to say they knew it (23 percent), while those in the UK were the least sure about it of all markets surveyed (11 percent), which points to possible cultural and educational influences on attitudes.

The results published in the latest Samsung report – Intelligent Life: How Ai Improves Everyday Experiences – also reveal a widespread desire for AI to enhance and improve our everyday lives, including the specific priorities of users when it comes to this key technology.

With AI becoming more prevalent in all aspects of our lives, from algorithms that guide our entertainment choices to smart devices that anticipate our needs at home, more than half (53 percent) of Europeans want this technology to make our lives easier, while why household chores, such as cleaning, ranked highly as AI adoption goals, along with helping with household bills (21 percent).

However, this desire is currently greater than enthusiasm – only a third (38 percent) of respondents say they are watching the increasingly important role of AI with interest.

“The real promise of AI lies in how it can change our routine to complement, not take over, the things we love to do most. Considering that AI is increasingly present in our devices, its true value will be appreciated by how much it simplifies our duties, improves our quality of life and makes everyday interactions easier,” he said. dr Chris Brauer, Director of Innovation at Goldsmiths University London and Symmetry.

AI u domu

The survey found that connectivity is a key priority for Europeans, with 42 percent of respondents saying they want AI to better connect devices in their home. Additionally, the same percentage (42 percent) think AI will make their home life better, while almost a quarter (24 percent) think smart home management is the most desired AI function.

  • Cleaning and vacuuming are the top tasks where people want AI help, with 33 percent of respondents expressing interest in AI-based solutions that can perform these activities for them.
  • In addition, 28 percent are interested in AI that can help clean kitchen appliances, while 25 percent want help with washing dishes.
  • 23 percent of respondents are interested in AI functions that can help with meal preparation and grocery shopping lists.
  • This is a higher percentage than traditional responsibilities such as managing household accounts and finances, which were chosen by only 21 percent of respondents.

However, security is a very important issue. When it comes to building trust, 37 percent of respondents cited regular security updates as most important, 34 percent said it was 24/7 threat monitoring, while 27 percent said complete security protection was the most important AI feature to integrate into their daily lives in the future. . These responses highlight the need for AI technologies that are not only innovative, but also safe.

“We at Samsung believe that AI should improve everyday life by being an invisible support that simplifies tasks and does not require attention. We are committed to creating technology that is both intuitive and powerful, that fits perfectly into users’ routines and allows them to do what really matters,” commented Timothy Hospidales, director of the Samsung AI Research Center in Cambridge.

AI to prioritize what you love

Around two-thirds (66 percent) of Europeans want more time to do the activities they love, with 37 percent believing AI can help them prioritize what they love and 41 percent expecting AI to improve what they can create.

Users want to enhance the experiences they already enjoy such as travel, gaming and watching TV. This is according to the research results, which reveal that among the most desired AI functions are real-time translation (23 percent) and AI operating modes that improve image definition (27 percent), as well as those that register background noise and adjust sound quality (27 percent) in order to more immersive viewing experience.

One of the leading trends is personalization, especially when it comes to health and well-being, where half of respondents (50 percent) want to prevent illness, rather than waiting to treat it. Specifically, 32 percent of respondents want to use AI for specially designed diet plans, 24 percent for exercise and 34 percent for lifestyle adjustments based on data about their health. A similar percentage (31 percent) say they are interested in using AI to monitor and improve sleep patterns.

However, despite the growing interest in AI in health, there is some skepticism among those who do not currently use the technology, with only 17 percent saying they would use AI health-monitoring features in their daily activities. In addition, despite the desire for AI to improve the quality of TV picture and sound, 28 percent of respondents believe that there are no AI functions that would interest them when it comes to home entertainment, which probably reflects insufficient knowledge of its potential capabilities.

These figures highlight the importance of continuous development and better communication of the benefits and reliability of AI-based health features and devices, as well as the value of strict security measures, regular updates and transparent communication in order to build and maintain user trust.

“The essence of the future of AI is its seamless integration into our daily lives – not only in the home, but throughout urban environments. Ethical issues are also crucial for AI to not only advance social equality, but also help build smarter, more sustainable environments. Our entire sector needs to listen to users, emphasize safety, inclusiveness and practical benefits so that AI can become a real driver of global change.” concludes dr Chris Brauer, Chief Innovation Officer at Symmetry.

Note on methodology

This survey was conducted from 11 to 19 July 2024, to examine public attitudes towards AI across Europe. 11,000 adults from ten countries participated in it: the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Poland, with 1,000 respondents each, except for the UK where there were 2,000.

The goal of Samsung research called Smart Living: How AI is Enhancing Everyday Experiences was to understand the public’s level of knowledge and interest in AI, with an emphasis on how users see the role of AI in their daily lives, what features they want most, and what their concerns are, especially regarding security and privacy. The results provide valuable insight into how users across Europe are applying AI today and what they expect from it in the future, in order to define the direction of AI development that responds to users’ needs and preferences.

All respondents – Which of the following describes how well you understand AI?

I don’t understand – 10%

I somewhat understand, but I don’t know how I can use it in everyday life – 25%

I somewhat understand and have some knowledge how I can use it in everyday life – 32%

I completely understand, but I don’t know how I can use it in my daily life – 17%

I fully understand and know how to use it in everyday life – 15%

All respondents – What tasks would you like AI to help you with? You can choose more than one answer.
House cleaning and vacuuming – 33%

Monitoring heating costs or energy consumption – 29%
Cleaning of kitchen appliances, such as oven or refrigerator – 28%

Washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen – 25%
Home organization and clutter removal – 23%

Meal planning and grocery shopping – 23%
Management of household accounts and finances – 21%
Laundry – 20%
Ironing – 20%
Planning and coordinating all my household chores – 19%
Gardening – 15%
Taking care of pets – 8%

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