Our advice for successful marketing in micro-enterprises

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Like any professional, a self-employed person needs to publicize his activity to find new clients. In order to increase its visibility, several very effective communication techniques can be easily implemented within a thoughtful marketing strategy.

Create a professional online storefront

Several essential requirements for the development of a professional activity should be known in order to become self-employed. Among them, creating a professional website is one of the first things you should think about. A website with smooth navigation, clear, complete and easy to use, is a real asset for convincing potential customers to buy your products or use your services. A business website acts as a virtual showcase presenting your business for all to see. It must be functional and reassuring for visitors, while being designed to promote your ranking among the results provided by search engines.

For a self-employed person, a professional site must above all be effective. Choose a catchy domain name that matches your business. Remember to include legal notices, essential information to find you as well as a contact form. A detailed presentation of your products or services is necessary here. You can enrich it with quality photos or short videos. Depending on your sector, you can also include your prices and add reviews from satisfied customers as you go.

To give visibility to a micro-enterprisea good website is a considerable asset. Do not neglect this step because it constitutes a first guarantee of reliability for anyone who will discover your online activity.

Improve SEO

SEO on search engines like Google is an essential element for any online marketing strategy. For your site to appear among the first pages of results given to Internet users following a query corresponding to your sector of activity, you will need to create quality content on a regular basis. To do this, you will need to establish yourself as an expert, by publishing articles (on a blog linking to your site in particular) related to your niche. You will be able to answer the most frequently asked questions, write on relevant topics using the right keywords and seek to create rich and qualitative content, which will be highlighted by search engine algorithms.

To succeed in developing your business, it is currently impossible to deprive yourself of marketing on social networks. Each company now has a strong online presence by creating specific content for the different networks where it appears. Promoting your products or services on social networks (Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) is part of a global communication approach aimed at making your company known and nourishing its brand image.

Several recommendations will help you exist on these platforms. You will first be able to look at what types of content are published by companies in the same sector of activity as yours. You can then refine your approach by offering different things, more original or offbeat, in order to stand out from the crowd. It helps to stay informed about the latest trends. You can also contact influencers in your niche to promote your company and consider using targeted paid advertising to more easily reach potential customers.

Carry out digital campaigns

Another central communication method for self-employed people, marketing by e-mail remains a safe bet. You can start by creating a newsletter to which your prospects and interested customers will subscribe. This approach helps strengthen loyalty and communicate your news and new products.

Another good way to get email addresses from potential customers is to ask them in exchange for free content that you will provide to them online (limited time trial, white paper, etc.). You can then create a list of subscribers to whom you will send emails on a regular basis, to offer them exclusive promotions and offers.

Building up an address book will allow you to run more ambitious email campaigns. They can request the services of a specialized agency to develop effective storytelling around your activity.

In order to measure the success of your communication strategy, you will need to use specific tools capable of monitoring performance. Precise indicators (KPIs) will be able to tell you, for each campaign, the results obtained such as the increase in the number of subscribers on social networks, the engagement rate following a publication or the conversions achieved with a promotional offer. Based on these results, you can modify your next campaigns to make them more efficient.

Form partnerships

Finally, marketing a micro-enterprise also involves setting up partnerships, helping you to create a network over time that promotes your visibility. In this respect, it may be interesting to seek to enter into partnerships with companies or independent workers whose activities are complementary to yours. Coworking spaces are a privileged place with this in mind. Prospects and clients will thus be more likely to learn about your work and be interested in your services.

Your communication strategy can then leave the digital sphere to take the form of physical media. You can use “print” (i.e. printing on paper) to communicate more effectively. Among the essential supports for entrepreneurs, we can cite the business card, the commercial brochure (in the form of catalogs to distribute) and flyers presenting your activity or a special offer, particularly on the occasion of an event. These elements will be useful to you when you go to trade fairs, professional meetings or any other event bringing together entrepreneurs and prospects.

To promote their activity, a self-employed person must today implement a multi-channel approach. It is indeed essential to be present online, on social networks and to communicate widely to improve your visibility and maximize your sales potential.

Source: www.e-marketing.fr