Over 40 innovative 3D printing projects have been created at Kilometro Rosso in Bergamo

Lisa Tech, the additive technology laboratory of the Kilometro Rosso Technology Park in Bergamo, he followed the projects of around 40 companies in four years of activity.

The engineer Giuseppe De Marco, responsible for the structure, highlights the growing awareness of businesses in using these technologies to produce finished components, not just prototypes.

Today more and more companies know that these technologies can be used not only for prototyping, but also to print finished metal or ceramic products.

The additive technologies sector is experiencing strong expansion globally. According to recent data, Patent applications in this field have increased by 30% per year in the last decade. Global turnover tripled between 2016 and 2022, from $6 billion to $18 billion. Italy holds a market share of 4.7%, positioning itself among the main players after the United States, Germany and China.

De Marco explains the capabilities of the Lisa Tech laboratory: “We can print metal, aluminum and titanium components, or create products with composite polymers and resins. The most important thing is that we can also start from an idea that we design and develop together with the company, carrying out a series of simulations to arrive at the printing of an object which can then be finished with mechanical processes.”

The laboratory is equipped with an IR optical tomography system for real-time control of process quality and components. This cutting-edge infrastructure allows us to offer a complete service to businesses, from design to creation of the final product.

A relevant aspect is the possibility of accessing funding for research and development projects based on additive technologies. De Marco reports that “In recent years there have been around 8 research projects that have been funded by tender and carried out in our laboratory“. These funds, provided by the Lombardy Region, the Ministry and the European Community, represent an important stimulus for innovation in the sector.

The presence of Lisa Tech in the Bergamo area constitutes a strategic resource for the local industrial fabricoffering SMEs and large companies access to advanced skills and technologies in the field of additive manufacturing. This laboratory is configured as a bridge between research and industrial application, facilitating technological transfer and the adoption of innovative production processes.

Source: www.tomshw.it