Over 8,300 animals were sterilized for free in 2024, in the Capital

Thus, 3,160 dogs of common breed, with owner, and over 5,170 cats, with and without owner, were sterilized free of charge within the campaigns that Bucharest City Hall ran through ASPA.

Sterilizations were carried out both in mobile veterinary clinics and in fixed offices, the Capital City Hall writes on Facebook.

“At the same time, this year, ASPA teams continued to accompany the Local Police of the Municipality of Bucharest to door-to-door information and control actions to check the sterilization and microchipping of the dogs with the owner, also having the support of the Capital Gendarmerie. More than 28,100 properties were visited, and discussions were held with more than 11,900 people. Following the checks, the local police handed over 3,800 Notices of entry into legality”, according to the quoted source.

Free sterilization campaigns for dogs and cats supported by information and control actions will continue from the first month of 2025.

(source: AFP)

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