Ozon Launches AI Editor to Generate Backgrounds for Product Photos

Ozon believes that the AI ​​editor will help sellers improve the visual design of product cards, reduce costs for content preparation and speed up the process.

The tools are currently available for free in a test mode for such product categories as home and garden, footwear, furniture, household chemicals and cosmetics. Later, sellers of any goods will be able to use them.

To use the new editor, sellers need to upload a photo to their personal account and select an effect. The result will be available in a few minutes. The finished image can be immediately uploaded to the product card.

In May 2024, Ozon launched an AI generator of clothing photos on a virtual model. The seller only needs to upload a photo of a particular item, and the service will show how it will look on a person. The marketplace also has a machine learning tool that allows you to generate video covers.

Cover photo: Vladeep / Shutterstock

Source: rb.ru